Applying Change Requests to Contracts

ERP Cloud

You can apply a single change request to a contract, or you can apply them in bulk.

For information about change requests and what happens when you apply them, see Change Requests.


Applying a change request to a contract might result in a draft credit note being created if its contract lines are worth less than has been billed, unless the Disable Automatic Credit Note Creation field is selected (in the Billing Central Settings custom setting).

Applying a change request to a contract with an end date that is before today immediately sets the contract's status to "Expired" unless the Change Requests Do Not Expire Contracts field is selected (in the Billing Central Settings custom setting). Once a contract is "Expired" you cannot make further changes to it.

Applying a Single Change Request to a Contract

To apply a single change request to a contract:

  1. Display the change request contract if it is not already displayed.
  2. Click Apply to Contract to apply it to the associated active contract. An information message is displayed.
  3. Click Apply if you are happy to proceed.

An error message is displayed if you attempt to apply a change request to a contract that has "Draft" or "Ready for Review" credit notes or consolidated billing documents linked to it. Ensure that the documents are completed, discarded, or unconsolidated before attempting to apply the change request again. A consolidated billing document will trigger this error regardless of whether or not it contains only billing documents related to the current contract.

Applying Change Requests to Contracts in Bulk

You can apply change requests to contracts in bulk from the billing contracts list view.

To do this:

  1. Click the Billing Contracts tab.
  2. Select a list view to display the contracts you're interested in. We recommend that the fields displayed in the list view include Type so that you can identify change requests from other types of contract.
  3. Select the checkboxes of the change requests you want to apply. If you select any contracts with a Type other than "Change Request" they will be excluded automatically.
  4. Click Apply Change Requests. An information message is displayed. If automatic credit note creation is not disabled in your org, the message explains that credit notes might be created. If any of the selected contracts are not change requests, a warning message displays the number of contracts that have been excluded.
  5. Click Apply to apply the change requests. The process runs in the background.

Depending on how your org is set up, you might receive a notification or an email when the process is complete.

The exact number of change requests that Billing Central can apply in bulk will vary depending on whether any customizations are implemented in your org, the size and complexity of your contracts, and platform limits. You can adjust the Apply Change Requests: Queue Size and Apply Change Requests: Scope Size fields in the Background Process Settings custom setting to find the optimal values for your org. The default values for both the queue size and scope size fields is 30 which means that a queue will apply 30 change requests in one execution context. For an explanation of queue size and scope size, see Queueable Apex. If you experience difficulties when applying change requests in bulk from the list view, try reducing the scope size. For further advice, contact Certinia Customer Support.