Using Activity Tracker
Activity Tracker enables you to:
- View any upcoming CS activities that are due to take place in the next seven days as well as your org's activity history from the last 12 months
- Create, edit, and delete CS activities, such as meetings and notes, that are linked to accounts in your org
- Create and delete tasks
- Delete accounts, opportunities, objectives, and playbooks
- Delete activities from additional tracked objects added by the administrator
Upcoming CS Activities
Upcoming CS Activities displays the following:
- Activities created in Activity Tracker with a date in the next seven days.
- Playbooks, playbook tasks, or objectives with a start date or end date in the next seven days.
- Success plans with an effective date or next business review date in the next seven days.
Activities associated with completed or template records do not display in Upcoming CS Activities.
Activity History
Activity history is grouped by month and displays all activities from the last 12 months for fields and supported objects that have tracking enabled. For more information on the objects in your org that have tracking enabled, contact your administrator.
By default, Activity Tracker enables you to view updates for the account, objective, opportunity, playbook, playbook task, or success plan records. However, you can also view activity history related to other objects if your administrator has added those objects to Activity Tracker. For more information, contact your administrator.
To view activity history related to other objects, you must select the following in the Filters panel:
- The Include Activities from Tracked Objects and Fields checkbox
- The checkboxes of the objects that your want to view
Viewing Activities
By default, the Upcoming CS Activities section is expanded, but you can click next to each section to expand and collapse the information displayed. You can also click
next to each activity to expand and collapse them and view the activity's summary, notes, and associated contacts, when such information is available.
To refresh the data displayed, click .
To filter the activities that are displayed by account or activity type, click .
To search for activities, use the search box in the toolbar. The sections that contain the search term you enter expand automatically.
To view more activities in a section, click View More. 10 additional activity items display at a time when available.
Filtering Activities
Filters enable you to focus the activities displayed in the Activity Tracker so that only the activities you want to view are displayed.
To filter the data:
- Click
to open the Filters panel.
- [Optional] Select Include Activities from Tracked Objects and Fields to include activities that are updates from tracked objects and fields. This field is selected by default.
- [Optional] Select My Activities to display only the activities that you own or are assigned to.
- If you are on the workspace, you can filter activities by account, activity type, or object. If you are on a record page, you can filter by activity type or object, but the Account field is pre-populated depending on the account associated with the record you are currently viewing.
- Click Apply.
- [Optional] To reset the selected filters to their default values, click Reset.
- Click
to close the Filters panel.
Creating CS Activities
You can create CS activities in Activity Tracker, such as meetings or notes, that are linked to accounts in your org. To create a new CS activity:
- Click
| Add CS Activity. The Create CS Activity window opens.
- Search for and select an account to associate with the CS activity. When creating a CS activity from an account record page, the Account field is automatically populated with the account that the CS activity is created from.
- Enter a summary of the CS activity.
- [Optional] Specify the date of the CS activity. If you do not specify a date, or the Date field is not available, the CS activity will be listed in the Activity Tracker by the date it was created.
- [Optional] Select the activity type.
- [Optional] Search for and select the contacts to associate with the CS activity.
- [Optional] Enter any notes about your CS activity. To upload an image, click
- Click Create.
Creating Tasks
To create a new task:
- Click
| Add Task. The Create Playbook Task window opens.
- Enter a name for the new playbook task.
- [Optional] Select an account to associate with the playbook task.
- [Optional] Select the resources you want to assign to the task. The picklist displays the first five resources available sorted alphabetically. You must search for and select any additional resources you want to assign to a task. You cannot assign a PSA resource to a playbook task.
- [Optional] Select a playbook to associate with the playbook task. When the account associated with the playbook is different from the account associated with the task, the Account field updates with the account associated with the playbook. When the account associated with the playbook is different from the account associated with the task, the Account field updates with the account associated with the playbook. You can only associate one parent record in addition to the account, if you already have a success plan associated with the task you must remove it to associate the playbook.
- [Optional] Select a start and end date for the playbook task.
- [Optional] Select a success plan to associate with the task. When the account associated with the parent success plan is different from the account associated with the task, the Account field updates with the account associated with the parent success plan. When the account associated with the parent success plan is different from the account associated with the task, the Account field updates with the account associated with the parent success plan. You can only associate one parent record in addition to the account, if you already have a playbook associated with the task you must remove it to associate the success plan.
- [Optional] Update the task status. The status is set to Draft by default.
- [Optional] Enter any notes for the playbook task. For more information about the formatting options available in the rich text editor, see the Salesforce Help.
- Click Create.

Deleting Activities
You can delete different types of activities in Activity Tracker.
To delete an activity:
- Click
next to the activity that you want to delete.
- Click the delete button in the drop-down list. The activity deletion window displays.
- Click Delete.