Exporting Reports and Statements
After you have configured your report or statement, you can download it in CSV, PDF, or XLSX format. To do this, perform the following steps:
- Navigate to the report that you want to export.
- Click Export from your report.
- [Optional] Specify a title for your report.
- [Optional] Select whether you want to include filters in your downloaded report. Only filters that alter the data displayed in your report can be included in your download file.
- Select your file download format.
- Specify the report details you want to include in your file download. Available options are:
- Data with Filters. This is a complete report.
- Data with Period Override. This is a report with data tables, data table titles, and a current period override, if applied.
- Data Tables Only. This is a report containing data existing in tables only, and no additional information.
- Complete the appropriate steps based on the format you selected.
- [Optional] Select whether to create a separate worksheet for each table in your report.
- Select Portrait or Landscape as the orientation for your downloaded report.
- Select whether to scale your report table to fit your selected page orientation. This setting is enabled by default.
- Select your paper size.
- [Optional] Select whether to add a logo image to your exported file.
- [Optional] Select whether to add row identifiers to your exported file.
- [Optional] Select your logo image from the drop-down menu.
- [Optional] Add a page break to the exported file. The following options are available:
- Table page break. This inserts a page break between every table in your report.
- Filter page break. This inserts a section that aggregates all the filters applied to your report at the top of your PDF file.
- Table and filter page break. This inserts a page break between every table in your report, and inserts a page break between all the filters aggregated at the top of your report.
- Comment page break. This inserts a page break after each table comment.
- [Optional] Exclude footer from the exported file.
- [Optional] Wrap text contained in the exported file. This includes values and column headings.
- Click Download.

Configuring Board Packs
Configuring a board pack enables you to export your reports together as one single PDF, CSV, or XLSX file. Creating a board pack facilitates exporting reports and saves time, avoiding the need to export each report individually.
To create a board pack:
- Select the reports you want to include in your board pack.
- Click Pack.
- On your mapping window, select the reports with the filters and comments that you want to include. Filters and comments are independent from each other. You can select a report's filters and not include its comments, and you can also include comments without including the report's corresponding filters.
- Click Next.
Exporting Board Packs
To export a board pack:
- Click Export.
- Enter a title.
- Select a format.
- Select report details.
- Enter format options.
- Click Download.
When exporting your board pack, select the Include Comments checkbox to include your comments in your exported board pack.
Adding or Editing Logo Images
You can add a default logo for use in your reports using a custom setting. Any subsequent logos are added or deleted using the standard Salesforce functionality described below.
To enable the default Certinia logo for use, see Enabling the Default Report Logo Image.
To add a logo image to replace the default Certinia logo image, perform the following steps:
- From the App Launcher, navigate to Files.
- Click Upload and select your file. The following image formats are supported: .png, .jpg, and .jpeg.
- Click Done.
To overwrite an image file with an updated version, click | Upload New Version.
To delete an image file, click | Delete.
Emailing your Report
If you want, you can email a copy of your report in your specified file format to one or more Salesforce users.
- Complete the following email fields:
- Recipients. This is a mandatory field.
- Subject.
- Body.
- Click Download. You will receive a confirmation message notifying you that your report has been emailed successfully.
Export Restrictions
When exporting your reports and statements the following restrictions apply.
Format |
Restriction |
Non-Latin characters are not currently supported in exported reports and statements. | |
If the number of columns contained in your report exceeds the limit of the page layout, these columns are spread out across multiple pages. This can lead to columns associated with each other for reporting purposes being disassociated in the exported report. To avoid this problem, we recommend you select the Add Row Identifiers to Exported File option. This inserts a row index number for each row of your report. |
CSV, XLSX | To avoid errors, we recommend you do not try to export unconfigured reports using these file formats. |