Setting up Cash Flow Forecast Dashboard

ERP Cloud

When you open the dashboard all available data is shown. However if you prefer, you can add custom filtering which is automatically applied whenever you open the dashboard. You can amend the following:

  • Bank Accounts. Select the bank accounts to include in the Cash Flow Forecast dashboard.
  • Collections General Ledger Accounts.Select the Accounts Receivable (AR) general ledger accounts to include as collections.
  • Payments General Ledger Accounts. Select the Accounts Payable (AP) general ledger accounts to include as payments.
  • Aging Ranges. Specify the aging ranges in days for the aging table.
  • Bank Accounts. Select the bank accounts to include in the Cash Flow Forecast dashboard.
  • Collections General Ledger Accounts

    • Select the Accounts Receivable (AR) general ledger accounts to include as collections.
    • For all journal line items where Line Type is "Account - Customer", select the Accounts Receivable (AR) general ledger accounts to include as collections.


      We recommend that you configure this to ensure that data from journals is included and saved. If not, data from journals is not included and you would need to configure the general ledger accounts used in journals each time you open the dashboard.

  • Payments General Ledger Accounts.

    • Select the Accounts Payable (AP) general ledger accounts to include as payments.
    • For all journal line items where Line Type is "Account - Vendor", select the Accounts Payable (AP) general ledger accounts to include as payments.


      We recommend that you configure this to ensure that data from journals is included and saved. If not, data from journals is not included and you would need to configure the general ledger accounts used in journals each time you open the dashboard.

  • Aging Ranges. Specify the aging ranges in days for the aging table.

The default selection for all the options above is "All".

To add custom filtering to your dashboard:


To perform these steps, ensure that you:

  • Have the Einstein Analytics Platform Admin permission set (if not, you can only make local settings changes for your current session).
  • Are using the Analytics Studio app (not the Analytics app). This is required to make changes that apply to all users.
  1. Open the Cash Flow Forecast dashboard.
  2. Click .
  3. Configure the options described above.
  4. Click to return to your dashboard.

Each time you open the Cash Flow Forecast dashboard, data is shown according to the selections you made above.


To return to the default settings change the selections you made back to "All".

For information about how to use the dashboard, see Using the Cash Flow Forecast Dashboard.