Billing Documents Fields
The Billing Documents dataset includes calculated and non-calculated fields from the Billing Document and Billing Document Line Item objects in Billing Central, as well as other associated objects. These fields are:
Key: C – Calculated field
Field | Description | |
Account ID | The identification number of the account. | |
Account Name | The name of the account. | |
Accounting Transaction | Lookup to the Accounting transaction to which this billing document relates. | |
Analysis Item 1 | Used to sub-analyze billing documents. An analysis item is created by the user and can be used to represent a number of different business concepts. | |
Analysis Item 2 | Used to sub-analyze billing documents. | |
Analysis Item 3 | Used to sub-analyze billing documents. | |
Analysis Item 4 | Used to sub-analyze billing documents. | |
Billing Account | Name of the account to appear on the billing document as the account being billed. | |
Billing Address Validated | Indicates whether the Billing Address has been validated successfully against the addresses in Avalara AvaTax | |
Billing City | The city portion of the account billing address. | |
Billing Country | The country portion of the account billing address. | |
Billing Document GLA | C | The GLA for the Billing Document. If no value is available for the Product GLA Override field on the billing document line item, then the value specified in the Sales Revenue Account field on the product associated with the billing document line item is used instead. |
Billing Document ID | The identification number of the billing document to which the billing document line item belongs. | |
Billing Document Line ID | The identification number of the billing document line item. | |
Billing Document Status | Status of the billing document to which this billing document line item belongs. | |
Billing State/Province | The state portion of the account billing address. | |
Billing Street | The street portion of the account address. | |
Billing Zip/Postal Code | The zip or postal code portion of the account billing address. | |
Company ID | The identification number of the company specified on the billing document. | |
Company Name | The name of the company specified on the billing document. | |
Consolidated | Indicates whether the document is a consolidated billing document. | |
Contract ID | The identification number of the contract to which the billing document belongs. | |
Contract Name | The name of the contract to which this billing document relates. | |
Contract Status | Formula field containing the status of the contract to which this billing document line item belongs. | |
Contract Type | Type of contract to which this billing document line item belongs. | |
Currency | Currency of the billing document. | |
Customer Reference | External customer reference. | |
Date Issued | The date on which the billing document was sent to the customer. | |
Description | Description of the billing document. | |
Discount Total | The total discount for this billing document line item. | |
Document Date | Date on which the document was created. | |
Document Due Date | Date on which payment is expected. | |
Document Line | Number of this billing document line item. | |
Document Number | Number of the billing document. | |
Document Rate | The exchange rate to use to convert from document currency to home currency. | |
Document Type | Indicates whether the document is an invoice or a credit note. | |
Document Type Prefix | The type of billing document, for example invoice or credit note. | |
Dual Rate | The exchange rate to use to convert from home currency to dual currency. | |
End of Period | Last day of the billing period for this billing document line item. | |
External Document Number | The external document number is a unique identifier for the document. | |
FFA Company ID | The identification number of the company created in Accounting. | |
Footer Text | Rich text to be included in the footer of the billing document PDF. | |
Header Text | Rich text to be included in the header of the billing document PDF. | |
Included in Contract Total Billed | Indicates whether the Total Value of the related billing document line items is included in the Total Billed field of the related contract line items. | |
Is Complete | Sets the status of the billing document to "Complete". | |
Match Type | Match Type of the Accounting transaction to which this billing document line item relates. | |
Net Value | Total value of this billing document line item before tax to two decimal places. | |
Net Value Before Discount | The net value of the billing document line item before the discounts are applied. | |
Net Value Override | Contains the value that the Net Value is overridden with. | |
Outstanding Value | Outstanding Value of the Accounting transaction to which this billing document line item relates. | |
Payment Status | Payment Status of the Accounting transaction to which this billing document relates. | |
Period Override | Name of the Accounting period to use when posting the billing document. If this field is left blank, the period is derived from the billing document's document date. | |
Plan Name | Lookup to the plan to which this billing document line item belongs. | |
Posting Error | Error that occurred while posting this billing document. | |
Posting Status | Posting status for this billing document. | |
Product ID | The identification number of the product specified on | |
Product Name | The name of the product. | |
Quantity | Number of items included in this billing document line item to six decimal places. This is used to calculate the Total Value of the billing document line item. | |
Related Document | Lookup to the related billing document or credit note. | |
Reporting Net Value | The total value of the billing document line item. | |
Reporting Net Value Dual | C |
The value of the billing document line item in the dual currency rate. This is derived by identifying:
The dual document rate is then calculated. If a dual document rate is specified, the reporting net value number is multiplied by that rate. If no dual document rate is specified, then its value is set as 0. This value is then multiplied by the reporting net value number. |
Reporting Net Value Home | C |
The value of the billing document line item in the home currency rate. This is derived by identifying:
The home document rate is then calculated. If a home document rate is specified, the reporting net value number is multiplied by that rate. If no home document rate is specified, then its value is set as 0. This value is then multiplied by the reporting net value number. |
Reporting Tax Value 1 | Tax Value of the corresponding Tax Rate based on the Document Type of the billing document. | |
Reporting Tax Value 2 | Tax Value of the corresponding Tax Rate based on the Document Type of the billing document. | |
Reporting Tax Value 3 | Tax Value of the corresponding Tax Rate based on the Document Type of the billing document. | |
Reporting Tax Value Total | Total tax for the billing document line item based on the Document Type of the billing document. | |
Reporting Total Value | Total Value of this billing document line item including tax based on the Document Type of the billing document. | |
Shipping Account | Name of the account to appear on the billing document as the Shipping Account. | |
Shipping Address Validated | Indicates whether the Shipping Address has been validated successfully against the addresses in Avalara AvaTax. | |
Shipping City | City portion of the shipping address for this billing document. | |
Shipping Country | Country portion of the shipping address for this billing document. | |
Shipping State/Province | State/Province portion of the shipping address for this billing document. | |
Shipping Street | Street portion of the shipping address for this billing document. | |
Shipping Zip/Postal Code | Zip/Postal Code of the shipping address for this billing document. | |
Start of Period | First day of the billing period for this billing document line item. | |
Tax Rate 1 | Tax rate to use when calculating tax for this billing document line item. | |
Tax Rate 2 | Tax rate to use when calculating tax for this billing document line item. | |
Tax Rate 3 | Tax rate to use when calculating tax for this billing document line item. | |
Tax Rate Total | Total tax rate for the billing document line item. | |
Tax Value 1 | Tax value calculated from the corresponding tax rate using the formula: Net Value * (Tax Rate / 100). | |
Tax Value 2 | Tax value calculated from the corresponding tax rate using the formula: Net Value * (Tax Rate / 100). | |
Tax Value 3 | Tax value calculated from the corresponding tax rate using the formula: Net Value * (Tax Rate / 100). | |
Tax Value Total | Total tax for the billing document line item to two decimal places. | |
Total Value | Total Value of this billing document line item including tax to two decimal places. | |
Unit Price | Price of one item for the billing document line item to nine decimal places. This is used to calculate the Total Value of the billing document line item. | |
Year | Accounting year to which this billing document relates. |