Revenue Waterfall Output Fields

Each row of the Revenue Waterfall dataset represents scheduled revenue or scheduled billing for a single billing contract line item in a single financial period. The following table provides a description of all the fields available in the dataset.

Revenue Waterfall Fields
Field Type Field Label Field API Name Description
Measures Scheduled Billing ValueBillingSchedule

Amount scheduled for billing for the contract line item in the financial period.

Set to - for rows that represent scheduled revenue.

Scheduled Revenue ValueRevenue

Amount of revenue scheduled to be recognized for the contract line item in the financial period.

Set to - for rows that represent scheduled billing

Total Billed ValueContractLineItemTotalBilled Total amount billed to date for the contract line item.
Total Recognized ValueTotalRecognized Total amount of revenue recognized to date for the contract line item.
Total Value ValueTotalContractLine Total value of the contract line item over its lifetime.
Dates Contract Line Item End Date ContractLineItemEndDate Date on which the contract line item ends.
Contract Line Item Start Date ContractLineItemStartDate Date on which the contract line item starts.
Period End Date PeriodEndDate Date on which the billing or recognition period ends.
Period Start Date PeriodStartDate Date on which the billing or recognition period starts.
Dimensions Account Billing Country AccountBillingCountry Billing country of the customer account related to the contract.
Account ID AccountId Salesforce ID of the customer account related to the contract.
Account Industry AccountIndustry Industry sector of the customer account related to the contract.
Account Name AccountName Descriptive name of the customer account related to the contract.
Company ID CompanyId The identification number of the company.
Company Name CompanyName

Salesforce ID of the Foundations company related to the contract.

Set to Unknown when the Company field is not populated for the contract.

Contract Line Item ID ContractLineItemId Salesforce ID of the contract line item.
Contract Line Item Name ContractLineItemName Reference number of the contract line item.
Contract Currency ContractCurrencyIsoCode Currency ISO code of the billing contract.
Contract Number ContractNumber Reference number of the contract.
Contract ID ContractId Salesforce ID of the contract.
Period Name PeriodName

Name of the recognition period.

Set to Unknown for rows that represent scheduled billing

Product Family ContractLineItemProductFamily Category of the product or service related to the contract line item.
Product ID ContractLineItemProductId Salesforce ID of the product or service related to the contract line item.
Product Name ContractLineItemProductName Name of the product or service related to the contract line item.
Record ID RecordId

Salesforce ID of the record this row represents. Set to the:

  • ID of the billing schedule for scheduled billing.
  • ID of the revenue schedule line for scheduled revenue.
Revenue Schedule ID RevenueScheduleId

Salesforce ID of the revenue schedule related to the revenue schedule line.

Set to Unknown for rows that represent scheduled billing

Revenue Schedule Recognition Method RevenueScheduleRecognitionMethod

Name of the method used to the calculate the scheduled revenue for the period.

Set to Unknown for rows that represent scheduled billing