Procurement Workspace

ERP Cloud

The Procurement Workspace contains the following components:

  • Navigation Pane
  • Alerts
  • Counts
  • Standard Report Chart
  • List View

The Navigation pane provides links to navigate to the most frequently accessed pages that are relevant to your role.


Alerts provide you with information to highlight important details about your purchase orders. To display a list of detailed records specific to each alert, click View Details.

The following alerts are available from the Procurement Workspace.

Name Description View Details
Committed Spend
  • The count of both non-vouchered and partially vouchered purchase orders. These are all not fully vouchered but approved purchase orders where the amount vouchered is zero or less than the total value of all purchase orders.
  • The total value of unvouchered approved purchase orders. Calculated from the total value of purchase orders minus the total amount vouchered.
Displays a list view of your purchase orders with a status of "Approved" or "Closed" where the amount vouchered is zero or less than total purchase order value.
The following fields for each purchase order are listed:
  • Purchase Order Date
  • Purchase Order Number
  • Total Value of Purchase Order
  • Total Amount Vouchered
  • Total Number of Lines
Expected Late Deliveries
  • The count of your expected late purchase order deliveries where the current promised date is later than the supplier’s commitment date. These are purchase order lines without a "Cancelled" or "Closed" status where the supplier’s current promise date is greater than the supplier commitment date.
  • The count of suppliers responsible for expected late deliveries.
Displays a list view of your purchase orders lines  where the status is not "Cancelled" or "Closed" and the current promise date is later than the supplier commitment date.
The following fields for each purchase order line being listed:
  • Purchase Order Number
  • Total Value of PO
  • Total Number of Lines
  • Current Promise Date
  • Supplier Commitment Date
Off-Agreement Spend
  • The percentage of purchase orders where there is no supplier agreement from the total number of purchase orders in the current month.
  • The total number of purchase orders in the current month where there is no supplier agreement.
  • The total currency amount of purchase orders in the current month where there is no supplier agreement.
Displays a list view of your purchase orders where the award code is not equal to the supplier agreement.

The following fields for each purchase order are listed:
  • Purchase Order Number
  • Supplier Site
  • Purchase Order Date
  • Award Code
  • Total value of PO
  • Buyer
  • Sales Order
Purchase Price Variance
  • The percentage count of purchase order lines with purchase price variance from all purchase order lines in the current month.
  • The overall purchase price variance currency value.
  • The total count of quantity vouchered.
Displays a list view of your purchase order lines where the modified date is in the current month and the purchase price variance is greater than zero. 
The following fields for each purchase order line are listed:
  • Purchase Order Line Number
  • Quantity
  • Quantity Vouchered
  • Purchase Price Variance
  • Purchase Order

Your administrator can customize the Committed Spend alert card using the Lightning App Builder, for more information, see Setting up Certinia Alert Cards .


Counts summarize the number of records found on corresponding list views that are relevant for the Procurement Workspace. Counts enable you to quickly access related content. To display a list view of detailed records specific to each count, click the count.

The following counts are available from the Procurement Workspace.

Count Description List View
Approved Requisition Lines Awaiting Purchase Orders The total count of approved requisition lines that have not yet been placed on purchase orders. These are the purchase orders pending creation. Displays requisition lines with the following fields:
  • Item Master
  • Quantity
  • Condition
  • Requisition
  • Requested Delivery Date
  • Buyer
Late Purchase Order Deliveries The total count of purchase order lines, in the current month, where the supplier commitment date is prior to today’s date and the status is “Open” or “Partially Received”.

Displays purchase order lines with the following fields:

  • Supplier Awarded
  • Purchase Order Line
  • Item Being Procured
  • Quantity
  • Quantity Received 
Off-Agreement Purchase Orders This Month The total count of off-agreement purchase orders approved in the current month. This enables you to determine whether new supplier agreements need to be created.

Displays purchase orders placed out of supplier agreements during the current month with the following fields:

  • Purchase Order Number
  • Supplier Site
  • Purchase Order Date
  • Award Code
  • Total value of PO
  • Buyer
  • Sales Order
Purchase Agreements Expiring in 60 Days The total count of purchase agreements due to expire in less than 60 days. It also enables you to access the related list view showing the records of those purchase agreements.

Displays purchase agreements due to expire in less than 60 days with the following fields:

  • Purchase Agreement Number
  • Supplier Site
  • Start Date
  • Days until Expiration
  • Status
Purchase Orders Awaiting Approval The total count of purchase orders with the status of "Submitted for approval" or "Drop ship submitted for approval".

Displays purchase orders awaiting approval with the following fields:

  • Purchase Order Number
  • Purchase Order Date
  • Supplier Site
  • Buyer
  • Award Code
  • Number of Lines
  • Total Value of PO
  • Status
  • Ship To Warehouse 

Your administrator can customize the Approved Requisition Lines Awaiting Purchase Orders, Purchase Orders Awaiting Approval, Late Purchase Order Deliveries count cards using the Lightning App Builder, for more information, see Setting up Certinia Count Cards .

Standard Report Chart

The Procurement Workspace Standard Report Chart displays multiple reports related to your purchases, spending, and suppliers.

Your administrator can configure which report is displayed in the workspace using the Lightning App Builder. For more information, see Customizable Lightning Components Overview.

Monthly Purchase Order Trending Report

The Monthly Purchase Order Trending report displays all the purchase orders placed per month. You can see the procurement spend throughout the current financial year and compare this spend with respect to the previous financial year. This helps you to identify spending patterns throughout the year, for example, spend peaks in certain periods of the year.

Suppliers with POs by Category and Year

The Suppliers with POs by Category and Year report helps you track the total number of purchase orders per year, as well as their category and supplier site.

Top Suppliers by Category for This Year

The Top Suppliers by Category for This Year report helps you track the total cost of all purchase orders and their category per supplier site within this calendar year.

Total Spend by Category for This Year

The Total Spend by Category for This Year report helps you track the total cost of all purchase orders per category within this calendar year.

List View

Open Purchase Orders - Procurement

The Open Purchase Orders - Procurement list view displays a list of open purchase orders that do not have the status of "Closed" or "Canceled". This provides a complete list of all purchase orders that are pending actions from you, someone in your company, or suppliers.

The list view displays the following fields:

  • Purchase Order Number
  • Order Type
  • Supplier Site
  • Purchase Order Date
  • Total Value of PO
  • Number of Lines
  • Number of Closed Lines
  • Buyer
  • Last Modified Date

Purchase Agreements

The Purchase Agreements list view displays a list of all purchase agreements that are pending actions from you, someone in your company, or suppliers.

The list view displays the following fields:

  • Purchase Agreement Number
  • Supplier Site
  • Buyer
  • Start Date
  • End Date
  • Status

Requisition Line Items

The Requisition Line Items list view displays a list of all requisition line items and their details.

The list view displays the following fields:

  • Buyer
  • Item Master
  • Item Description
  • Item Number - New
  • Item Description - New
  • Line Status
  • Created By
  • Ship to Warehouse