Journal Line Item to PSA Miscellaneous Adjustment ClickLink Rule

Professional Services CloudERP Cloud

ClickLink rules are only used in legacy modeClosed. In enhanced modeClosed, PSA – Accounting Connector uses Foundations mappings. For more information, see Object and Field Mappings.

Here are the field values for the Journal Line Item to PSA Miscellaneous Adjustment ClickLink rule.

Default Field Values



ClickLink RuleJournal Line Item to PSA Miscellaneous Adjustment
Source Objectc2g__codaJournalLineItem__c
Target Objectpse__Miscellaneous_Adjustment__c
Source Object Name FieldName
Target Object Name FieldName
Source Object Process Fieldffpsai__SendToPSA__c
Source Object Processed Fieldffpsai__PassedToPSA__c
Email TemplateJournalLineToMiscAdj

ClickLink Mappings

Here are the default ClickLink mappings related to the Journal Line Item to PSA Miscellaneous Adjustment rule.

Default Mappings
Mapping TypeSource FieldMapping LiteralTarget Field
Source FieldId ffpsai__JournalLineItem__c
Source Fieldffpsai__MiscellaneousAdjustmentName__c Name
Source Fieldffpsai__TransactionCategory__c pse__Transaction_Category__c
Source Fieldc2g__Value__c pse__Amount__c
Source Fieldffpsai__JournalDate__c pse__Effective_Date__c
Source Fieldffpsai__Project__c pse__Project__c
Source Fieldc2g__OwnerCompany__c ffpsai__OwnerCompany__c
Source Fieldc2g__GeneralLedgerAccount__c ffpsai__MiscAdjGLACode__c
Source Fieldffpsai__JournalCurrency__c CurrencyIsoCode
Literal trueffpsai__PassedToAccounting__c
Source Fieldc2g__LineDescription__c pse__Description__c

ClickLink Button

Here is the default ClickLink button related to the Journal Line Item to PSA Miscellaneous Adjustment rule.

Default Button
DescriptionVisualforce Page
Create Miscellaneous Adjustmentsffpsai__convertjournallinestomiscadjs