Journal Line Item to PSA Miscellaneous Adjustment ClickLink Rule
Professional Services CloudERP Cloud
Here are the field values for the Journal Line Item to PSA Miscellaneous Adjustment ClickLink rule.
Field |
Value |
ClickLink Rule | Journal Line Item to PSA Miscellaneous Adjustment |
Source Object | c2g__codaJournalLineItem__c |
Target Object | pse__Miscellaneous_Adjustment__c |
Source Object Name Field | Name |
Target Object Name Field | Name |
Source Object Process Field | ffpsai__SendToPSA__c |
Source Object Processed Field | ffpsai__PassedToPSA__c |
Email Template | JournalLineToMiscAdj |
ClickLink Mappings
Here are the default ClickLink mappings related to the Journal Line Item to PSA Miscellaneous Adjustment rule.
Mapping Type | Source Field | Mapping Literal | Target Field |
Source Field | Id | ffpsai__JournalLineItem__c | |
Source Field | ffpsai__MiscellaneousAdjustmentName__c | Name | |
Source Field | ffpsai__TransactionCategory__c | pse__Transaction_Category__c | |
Source Field | c2g__Value__c | pse__Amount__c | |
Source Field | ffpsai__JournalDate__c | pse__Effective_Date__c | |
Source Field | ffpsai__Project__c | pse__Project__c | |
Source Field | c2g__OwnerCompany__c | ffpsai__OwnerCompany__c | |
Source Field | c2g__GeneralLedgerAccount__c | ffpsai__MiscAdjGLACode__c | |
Source Field | ffpsai__JournalCurrency__c | CurrencyIsoCode | |
Literal | true | ffpsai__PassedToAccounting__c | |
Source Field | c2g__LineDescription__c | pse__Description__c |
ClickLink Button
Here is the default ClickLink button related to the Journal Line Item to PSA Miscellaneous Adjustment rule.
Description | Visualforce Page |
Create Miscellaneous Adjustments | ffpsai__convertjournallinestomiscadjs |