Expense Field Sets Impact on Expense Entry Lightning Component Layout

Professional Services Cloud

The Expense Entry Lightning component includes the following field sets.



Layout Impact

Expense Header Row Editable Columns

Defines the fields that appear in the Expense Entry grid on the Project and Assignment Lightning pages.

Fields added to the field sets are displayed above the description field.

Expense Header Row Read Only Columns

Expense Notes Fields Editable Columns

Fields added to the field sets are displayed in the Additional Information section.

Expense Notes Fields Read Only Columns

  • If specified in the LAB properties, the fields added to the Expense Header row editable column and Expense Header row read-only column field sets are added above the Description field on the Lightning component in the same order as they are listed in the field set.
  • If specified in the LAB properties, the fields added to the Expense Notes fields editable column and Expense Notes fields read-only column field sets are added within the Additional Information area.

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