Billing Forecast Setup Fields

Professional Services Cloud

The billing forecast setup record includes the following fields.

For details of the forecast setup factors displayed on the Billing Forecast Setup page, see Billing Forecast Setup Category Fields.

Field Description

Default Value

Active For internal use only. Indicates the billing forecast setup record used for billing forecast calculations. This checkbox is controlled by PSA. Only the current billing forecast setup record has this checkbox selected. False
Default Opportunity Curve Billing forecast curve record that is used for opportunity forecasting, when a curve has not been defined on an opportunity. If a default opportunity curve has not been created and there is no curve defined on an opportunity, the billing forecast calculation will fail. None
Default Project Curve Billing forecast curve record used for project forecasting, when a curve has not been defined on a project. If a default project curve has not been created and there is no curve defined on a project, the billing forecast calculation will fail. None

Use Is Services Product on Opp Product

Allows you to specify the services products you want to include in the billing forecast calculation that are associated with an opportunity.

Opportunity Product: This looks at services product lines on Opportunity Products. It means only opportunity product lines with the Is Services Product Line checkbox selected are included in the calculation.

Product: This looks at lines that have a related services product on an Opportunity. It means only product lines with the Is Services Product checkbox selected on the product itself are included in the calculation.
Note: If there are no lines on an opportunity, the billing forecast calculation looks at the Is Services Opportunity checkbox on the opportunity itself. For more detailed information on how the billing forecast calculation works for opportunities, see Opportunities.
Use Opportunity Curve for Products Allows you to specify the object you want the curve to be applied from.
Product: The curves specified on the products linked to an opportunity are used. If no products are linked, the curve specified on the opportunity is used.
Opportunity: The curve set on the opportunity is used.


Button Description
Save Save the billing forecast setup.
Schedule Billing Forecast Go to the Billing Forecast Scheduler page to configure scheduling settings for your billing forecast calculations.