Setting up Forecasting

Professional Services Cloud

Revenue Forecasting

For general information about Revenue Forecasting, see Revenue Forecasting Overview.

Billing Forecasting


Billing Forecasting is to be superseded by Revenue Forecasting at some point after the PSA Fall 2020 release. If you are already using Billing Forecasting, Certinia will provide you with a migration path to enable you to move to Revenue Forecasting. If you are not already using Billing Forecasting, we recommend that you choose Revenue Forecasting as your forecasting solution.

Billing Forecasting was previously called Enhanced Services Forecasting. It has been renamed to better reflect the functionality.

If you are an administrator, take the following action to configure Billing Forecasting:

  1. Ensure the Include In Forecasting checkbox is selected on each RPGClosed or project you want to run forecasting on and that the relevant projects are active.
  2. Ensure that each opportunity to be included in Billing Forecasting has a probability of more than 0%.
  3. If your business has services products, ensure that each opportunity has one of the following:
    • The Is Services Opportunity checkbox selected
    • Opportunity product lines with the Is Services Product Line checkbox selected
    • Products with Is Services Product selected on the product itself
  4. Ensure that users who are to carry out forecasting activities have the appropriate permission sets assigned and have access to the objects used in forecasting. For information on the permission sets available, see Permission Sets and Other Technical Documentation. For information on the objects required, see Objects Used in Billing Forecasting.
  5. Create billing forecast curves for use in your billing forecast calculation and make sure you have specified default curves for use on opportunities and projects. For more information, see Managing Curves for Billing Forecasts.
  6. Enter details on the Billing Forecast Setup page to configure billing forecasts for your organization. For more information, see Configuring Billing Forecasts.
  7. Use the Billing Forecast Batch Settings custom settings to specify settings for forecast batch processes, including notifications. For further information, see Billing Forecast Batch Settings.

For more information on Billing Forecasting, see Billing Forecasting Overview.