Third-Party Integrations with PSA
You can use Foundations to connect third-party applications to Certinia applications.
For example, you can use a Certinia REST API to send information from a third-party HCM application to Foundations, which then passes information to a subscribing Certinia application.

You can create and update resources in PSA directly from the worker information stored in your third-party HCM application using the PSA Resource API.
The feature enables you to:
- Securely integrate between your third-party HCM application and PSA
- Create resources as contact or person account records, as appropriate
- Update existing resources when a record is modified in your third-party HCM application
- Send personal and contact information, as well as employment status and manager details
- Ensure that you allocate resources in PSA based on up-to-date information
- Use the data transformation features in Foundations to transform data received via the API so that it is appropriate for the target field in the subscribing application
- Create up to 15 custom mappings to send additional information from your third-party HCM application to the PSA resource record
The feature uses an off-platform REST API. For more information about the new PSA API, see PSA REST API Developer Reference on the Certinia Community.
Authentication and authorization are provided by Salesforce. For more information, see the Salesforce Developer API documentation.
For more information about setting up and using these features, see Setting up Third-Party HCM to PSA Resource Integration in the Foundations Help.

You can automatically create and update assignments in PSA that represent a resource's time off using the PSA Assignment API. The API enables you to send information from your third-party HCM application to PSA to provide accurate visibility of your resources' availability.
You can create an absence request project automatically by copying the project details from the Absence Request Project field, and frequency from the Absence Request Project Frequency field. For more information, see Foundations PSA Messaging Settings.
The feature enables you to:
- Create multiple absence request projects, which enables you to manage a large volume of assignments
- Create assignments and schedules to represent a resource's time off
- Create timecards and timecard splits for the dates within a time off request
- Update a time off request to reflect a change in approval status or a change to the dates in the request
- Cancel time off in hours or days and automatically update the related timecards, schedules, schedule exceptions, and assignments, as required
- Specify the project to which a time off assignment relates
- Specify which policies you want to use to create time off details in PSA
- Update existing assignments when a record is modified in your third-party HCM application
- View the overall status of the time off request in PSA
- Use the data transformation features in Foundations to convert data received via the API so that it is appropriate for the target field in PSA
Days and Hours
You can send time off details based on hours or days, to suit your organization's requirements. PSA records time off as hours in a timecard. If you send a quantity in days, PSA calculates the number of hours this represents based on the hours specified in the resource's work calendar.
PSA prevents you from entering more than 24 hours for a single date in a timecard.
Schedules and Assignments
If you use the API to record time off for different days in consecutive weeks against the same assignment, PSA creates the following:
- A new schedule for the details in the first week
- A schedule exception for the details in each subsequent week when the time off does not match the days in the schedule
If additional time off is requested against the same assignment in a subsequent request, PSA updates the date of the schedule and creates a schedule exception, if required.
For more information about setting up and using these features, see Setting up Third-Party HCM to PSA Assignment Integration in the Foundations Help.
These features use off-platform REST APIs. Authentication and authorization are provided by Salesforce. For more information, see the Salesforce Developer API documentation.
For more information about the APIs available, see PSA REST API Developer Reference on the Certinia Community.