Viewing Record Details
The record details panel enables you to view details of records that are related to the currently selected record without leaving the current page. You can switch between the following tabs on the record details panel, where available:
To view the record details panel, double-click a record or select it and click .
When the record details panel is open, you can click through other records displayed to view their details. Where available, you can also select other tabs from the record details panel to view records that are related to the currently selected record. The panel stays open until you close it.
To close the panel, click on the panel or click
In some cases, the relevant permissions are included in the permission set for the feature you are viewing. For example, for work planners they are included in the PSA - View Work Planner and PSA - Edit Work Planner permission sets.
The following sections are displayed on the Assignment tab of the record details panel.

Shows details of the selected assignment. The following information is displayed by default: Resource, Project, Role, Start Date, and End Date.
An administrator can configure the fields displayed using the Lightning App Builder. For more information, see Work Planner Lightning Component Properties.

The progress bar displays a visual representation of how much work has been done on the selected assignment. It shows the number of hours entered on timecards so far (total actual hours) as a proportion of the total number of scheduled hours on the assignment.
To view a list of the timecards entered against the selected assignment, click View Timecards.
The following fields are displayed in the Assignment Progress section.
Field |
Description |
Scheduled Hours to Date | The number of scheduled hours on the assignment from the start date up to and including today. If the schedule starts in the future, 0 is displayed. |
Schedule Variance % | The percentage difference between the total number of actual hours logged on timecards and the number of scheduled hours to date on the selected assignment. Positive values indicate actual hours are being entered on timecards ahead of schedule. Negative values indicate the number of actual hours logged on timecards is falling behind schedule. For example, if the value in Scheduled Hours to Date is 50 but the value in Total Actual Hours is 40, the variance is -20% as progress is 20% down on what should have been completed by now. |
Total Actual Hours | The total number of hours entered on timecards against the selected assignment. Only timecards matching the statuses defined in the Timecard Statuses field on the EVA Settings custom setting are included. For more information, see Timecard Statuses. |
Total Scheduled Hours | The total number of hours scheduled for the assignment. If the schedule starts in the future, 0 is displayed. |

Lists the project tasks on the selected assignment. You can click each project task to view full details.
The project task start and end dates are displayed by default. An administrator can configure the information displayed using the Lightning App Builder. For more information, see Work Planner Lightning Component Properties.
To view details of the project associated with the selected assignment, click View Project.
The following sections are displayed on the Project tab of the record details panel.

Displays details of the project. The following information is displayed by default: Start Date, End Date, Region, Practice, Group, Account, Billable, and Project Manager.
An administrator can configure the fields displayed using the Lightning App Builder. For more information, see Work Planner Lightning Component Properties.
If there are multiple resources available to view, select the relevant resource from the list displayed in the Search Contacts field.
For information on the sections displayed on the Resource or Resources tab of the record details panel, see Contact Card Lightning Component Overview.
Resource Request
The following sections are displayed on the Resource Request tab of the record details panel.

Displays details of the resource request. The following information is displayed by default: Project, Start Date, End Date, Opportunity, Resource Held, Resource Role, and Resource.
An administrator can configure the fields displayed using the Lightning App Builder. For more information, see Work Planner Lightning Component Properties.

To view the Requested Skills section, you must have the Skill or Certification Rating object permission assigned. For more information, contact your administrator.
This section displays the skills on a resource request.
- For unheld resource requests, the skills are displayed under Skills and Certifications and grouped by skill sets
- For held resource requests, the skills of the resources are matched with the skills on the resource request
For held resource requests, the following icons are used:
- matched skill
- unmatched skill
- aspirational skill
- certified skill
An administrator can configure the displayed fields using the Lightning App Builder. For more information, see Work Planner Lightning Component Properties.
Contact your administrator if you would like to see the skills categorized into Essential and Desirable. For more information, see Enable Desirable Skills.
An administrator can configure the fields displayed on the Task tab of the record details panel using the Lightning App Builder. For more information, see Project Task Board Lightning Component Properties.
Any details you don't have permission to view are omitted.