IHC Mappings Jira to PSA Fields

This custom metadata type is used for defining the mappings between objects and fields in PSA and Jira in the Integration Hub. If needed, you can change the default mappings or add new ones. For more information, see Customizing Jira - PSA Mappings.

The metadata type records are used when you enable the Integration Hub Connector: Jira - PSA feature in the Feature Console, to push the keys and mappings from PSA to the Integration Hub.

Here is a description of the fields available on IHC Mappings Jira to PSA records.

IHC Mapping Jira to PSA Custom Fields
Field Description
IHC Mapping Jira to PSA Name Unique API name of the mapping.
Jira Cloud Object

Name of the Jira Cloud object for which the mapping is created in the Integration Hub. You can enter the following values:

  • issue
  • projects
  • user
  • worklogs
Jira Field

Name of the field on the specified Jira object for which the mapping is created in the Integration Hub.

This field might be empty if a PSA field is mapped to an intermediary field in the Integration Hub that does not exist on the Jira object. For example, the Sync with Jira field.

Jira On-Prem Object

Name of the Jira On-Prem (Server) object for which the mapping is created in the Integration Hub. You can enter the following values:

  • agents - used for users
  • incidents - used for issues
  • projects
  • worklogs
Label Name of the mapping. By default, it is the concatenation of the VDR Name and the VDR Key.
PSA Field

API name of the field on the specified PSA object for which the mapping is created in the Integration Hub.

You can also enter a field on a related object, for example, pse__Account__r.Name.

This field might be empty if a Jira field is mapped to an intermediary field in the Integration Hub that does not exist on the PSA object. For example, the Jira Welcome Email for Synced Resources field.


You must ensure that the PSA field type matches the Jira field type. For example, you must map a Boolean PSA field (checkbox or formula field) to a Boolean field in Jira.

PSA Object

API name of the PSA object for which the mapping is created in the Integration Hub. You can enter the following values:

  • Contact
  • pse__Proj__c
  • pse__Project_Task__c
  • pse__Task_Time__c
  • pse__Timecard_Header__c

Virtual data resource key used to identify the mapping in the Integration Hub. You can enter any value for the VDR key.

When creating a new mapping, the following restrictions apply:

  • The VDR key and VDR name combination must be unique.
  • The VDR key must not contain white spaces.

We recommend using the name of the source field or the target field as the VDR key, so that the mapping can be easily identified. For example, if you are mapping a Jira field named End Date to a PSA field named End Date, we recommend using EndDate as the VDR key.

VDR Name

Name of the virtual data resource in the Integration Hub. You can enter the following values:

  • PSAJiraProject - for syncing PSA projects to Jira projects
  • PSAJiraProjectIssue - for syncing PSA projects to Jira issues
  • PSAJiraProjectTaskIssue - for syncing PSA projects to Jira issues or vice-versa
  • PSAJiraResource - for syncing PSA resources to Jira users
  • PSAJiraWorkLog - for syncing Jira work logs to PSA timecards
  • PSAJiraTaskTimeWorkLog - for syncing Jira work logs to PSA task time records.