Resource Skills Dataset PS Cloud Analytics Output Fields

The Resource Skills dataset includes fields from the Skill / Certification, Skill / Certification Rating objects in PSA.

Resource Skills Dataset Fields
Field Type Field Field API Name Description
Measure Numerical Rating ValueNumericalRating Level of exposure or ability that the resource has in the skill or certification.
Years Experience ValueYearsExperience The number of years' experience a resource has in a skill.
Dimension Approval Status ApprovalStatus The approval status of the skill or certification rating.
Aspiration Aspiration Indicates whether the resource wants to learn this skill or acquire additional knowledge in it.
Certified Certified Indicates whether the resource's skills certification record is accredited and active.
Name Name System-generated identifier of the skill or certification rating record.
Rating Rating Level of exposure or ability that the resource has for the skill or certification.
Resource ID ResourceId System-generated identifier of the resource the rating applies to.
Resource Name ResourceName The name of the resource the rating applies to.
Skill / Certification Description SkillCertificationDescription The description of the skill or certification.
Skill / Certification Group SkillCertificationGroup The skill certification group, such as Java.
Skill / Certification ID SkillCertificationId System-generated identifier of the skill or certification.
Skill / Certification Name SkillCertificationName The name of the skill or certification.
Skill / Certification Source SkillCertificationSource Organization or institution that grants the certification.
Skill / Certification Type SkillCertificationType The type of skill or certification.
Skill or Certification SkillOrCertification Indicates whether the record is for a skill or a certification.
Skill Set Name SkillSetSkill.SkillSet.Name The name of the skill set that the skill is associated with.
  Date Certification Expiration Date ExpirationDate The date the skill or certification rating expires on.
Date Achieved AchievedDate The date the rating was achieved.
Evaluation Date EvaluationDate The evaluation date of the rating.