Revenue Forecast Dataset PS Cloud Analytics Output Fields

The Revenue Forecast dataset includes fields from the Revenue Forecast Version Detail, Revenue Forecast Version and Revenue Forecast objects in PSA as well as other associated objects. These fields are:

Key: H - Hidden field

Revenue Forecast Dataset Fields
Field Type Field Label Field API Name   Description
Measure Account Annual Revenue Value ValueAccountAnnualRevenue   The annual revenue of the source project or opportunity, in the corporate currency.
Account Number of Employees Value ValueAccountNumberOfEmployees   The number of employees specified for the account associated with the project or opportunity.
Actual Best Case Value ValueActualBestCase   See Calculated Fields.
Actual Value ValueActual   See Calculated Fields.
Actual Worst Case Value ValueActualWorstCase   See Calculated Fields.
Adjustment Best Case Value ValueAdjustmentBestCase   The input adjustment value of the best case scenario for a given hierarchy level, minus the aggregate of all the input adjustment values below this level, in the corporate currency.
Adjustment Opportunity Best Case Value ValueOpportunityAdjustmentBestCase   The adjustment value of the best case scenario for the opportunity.
Adjustment Opportunity Value ValueOpportunityAdjustment   The adjustment value for the opportunity.
Adjustment Opportunity Worst Case Value ValueOpportunityAdjustmentWorstCase   The adjustment value of the worst case scenario for the opportunity.
Adjustment Project Best Case Value ValueProjectAdjustmentBestCase   The adjustment value of the best case scenario for the project.
Adjustment Project Value ValueProjectAdjustment   The adjustment value for the opportunity.
Adjustment Project Worst Case Value ValueProjectAdjustmentWorstCase   The adjustment value of the worst case scenario for the project.
Adjustment Value ValueAdjustment   The input adjustment value of the expected case scenario for a given hierarchy level, minus the aggregate of all the input adjustment values below this level, in the corporate currency.
Adjustment Worst Case Value ValueAdjustmentWorstCase   The input adjustment value of the worst case scenario for a given hierarchy level, minus the aggregate of all the input adjustment values below this level, in the corporate currency.
Equal Split Milestone Pending Value ValueEqualSplitMilestonePending   The amount of revenue that is ready for recognition within the relevant time period for the milestone revenue source, when using the "Equal Split" recognition method, in the corporate currency.
Equal Split Milestone Recognized Value ValueEqualSplitMilestoneRecognized   The amount of revenue that has already been recognized within the relevant time period for the milestone revenue source, when using the "Equal Split" recognition method.
Equal Split Milestone Scheduled Value ValueEqualSplitMilestoneScheduled   The amount of revenue that is scheduled for recognition within the relevant time period for the milestone revenue source, when using the "Equal Split" recognition method.
Equal Split Project Pending Value ValueEqualSplitProjectPending   The amount of revenue that is ready for recognition within the relevant time period for the Project revenue source, when using the "Equal Split" recognition, in the corporate currency.
Equal Split Project Recognized Value ValueEqualSplitProjectRecognized   The amount of revenue that has already been recognized within the relevant time period for the project revenue source, when using the "Equal Split" recognition method, in the corporate currency.
Equal Split Project Scheduled Value ValueEqualSplitProjectScheduled   The amount of revenue that is scheduled for recognition within the relevant time period for the project revenue source, when using the "Equal Split" recognition method, in the corporate currency.
EvA Scheduled Value ValueEvaScheduled   The amount of revenue that is scheduled for recognition within the relevant time period for the EvA revenue source, when using the "Deliverable" recognition method, in the corporate currency.
Expense Pending Value ValueExpensePending   The amount of revenue that is ready for recognition within the relevant time period for the expense revenue source, when using the "Deliverable" recognition method, in the corporate currency.
Expense Recognized Value ValueExpenseRecognized   The amount of revenue that has already been recognized within the relevant time period for the expense revenue source, when using the "Deliverable" recognition method, in the corporate currency.
Forecast Best Case Value (excl Adjustments) ValueForecastBestCaseExclAdjustments   The best case value of the forecast, minus adjustments, in the corporate currency.
Forecast Best Case Value ValueForecastBestCase   The best case value of the forecast in the corporate currency.
Forecast Value (excl Adjustments) ValueForecastExclAdjustments   The value of the forecast, minus adjustments, in the corporate currency.
Forecast Value ValueForecast   The value of the forecast in the corporate currency.
Forecast Worst Case Value (excl Adjustments) ValueForecastWorstCaseExclAdjustments   The worst case value of the forecast, minus adjustments, in the corporate currency.
Forecast Worst Case Value ValueForecastWorstCase   The worst case value of the forecast in the corporate currency.
Milestone Pending Value ValueMilestonePending   The amount of revenue that is ready for recognition for the milestone revenue source, when using the "Deliverable" recognition method, in the corporate currency.
Milestone Recognized Value ValueMilestoneRecognized   The amount of revenue that has already been recognized within the relevant time period for the milestone revenue source, when using the "Deliverable" recognition method, in the corporate currency.
Milestone Scheduled Value ValueMilestoneScheduled   The amount of revenue that is scheduled for recognition within the relevant time period for the milestone revenue source, when using the "Deliverable" recognition method, in the corporate currency.
Misc Adjustment Pending Value ValueMiscAdjustmentPending   The amount of revenue that is ready for recognition for the miscellaneous adjustment revenue source, when using the "Deliverable" recognition method, in the corporate currency.
Misc Adjustment Recognized Value ValueMiscAdjustmentRecognized   The amount of revenue that has already been recognized within the relevant time period for the miscellaneous adjustment revenue source, when using the "Deliverable" recognition method, in the corporate currency.
Opportunity Unscheduled Best Case Value ValueOpportunityUnscheduledBestCase   The amount of unscheduled revenue within the relevant time period for the opportunity revenue source, using the best case scenario, in the corporate currency.
Opportunity Unscheduled Value ValueOpportunityUnscheduled   The amount of unscheduled revenue within the relevant time period for the opportunity revenue source, in the corporate currency.
Opportunity Unscheduled Worst Case Value ValueOpportunityUnscheduledWorstCase   The amount of unscheduled revenue within the relevant time period for the opportunity revenue source, using the worst case scenario, in the corporate currency.
Percent Complete Milestone Pending Value ValuePercentCompleteMilestonePending   The amount of revenue that is ready for recognition within the relevant time period for the milestone revenue source, when using the "% Complete" recognition method, in the corporate currency.
Percent Complete Milestone Recognized Value ValuePercentCompleteMilestoneRecognized   The amount of revenue that has already been recognized within the relevant time period for the milestone revenue source, when using the "% Complete" recognition method, in the corporate currency.
Percent Complete Milestone Scheduled Value ValuePercentCompleteMilestoneScheduled   The amount of revenue that is scheduled for recognition within the relevant time period for the milestone revenue source, when using the "% Complete" recognition method, in the corporate currency.
Percent Complete Milestone Unscheduled Value ValuePercentCompleteMilestoneUnscheduled   The amount of unscheduled revenue within the relevant time period for the milestone revenue source, when using the "% Complete" recognition method, in the corporate currency.
Percent Complete Project Pending Value ValuePercentCompleteProjectPending   The amount of revenue that is ready for recognition within the relevant time period for the project revenue source, when using the "% Complete" recognition method, in the corporate currency.
Percent Complete Project Recognized Value ValuePercentCompleteProjectRecognized   The amount of revenue that has already been recognized within the relevant time period for the project revenue source, when using the "% Complete" recognition method, in the corporate currency.
Percent Complete Project Scheduled Value ValuePercentCompleteProjectScheduled   The amount of revenue that is scheduled for recognition within the relevant time period for the Project revenue source, when using the "% Complete" recognition method, in the corporate currency.
Percent Complete Project Unscheduled Value ValuePercentCompleteProjectUnscheduled   The amount of unscheduled revenue within the relevant time period for the Project revenue source, when using the "% Complete" recognition method, in the corporate currency.
Project Unscheduled Value ValueProjectUnscheduled   The amount of unscheduled revenue for the project, in the corporate currency.
Revenue Pending Recognition Value ValueRevenuePendingRecognition   The billable value of all expense, miscellaneous adjustment, milestone, and timecard records for a given month, in the corporate currency.
Revenue Recognized To Date Value ValueRevenueRecognizedToDate   The value of the revenue that has already been recognized within the relevant time period, in the corporate currency.
Scheduled Revenue Best Case Value ValueScheduledRevenueBestCase   The amount of scheduled revenue within the relevant time period, using the best case scenario, in the corporate currency.
Scheduled Revenue Value ValueScheduledRevenue   The amount of scheduled revenue within the relevant time period, in the corporate currency.
Scheduled Revenue Worst Case Value ValueScheduledRevenueWorstCase   The amount of scheduled revenue within the relevant time period, using the worst case scenario, in the corporate currency.
Timecard Pending Value ValueTimecardPending   The amount of revenue that is ready for recognition for the timecard revenue source, when using the "Deliverable" recognition method, in the corporate currency.
Timecard Recognized Value ValueTimecardRecognized   The amount of revenue that has already been recognized within the relevant time period for the timecard revenue source, when using the "Deliverable" recognition method, in the corporate currency.
Total Best Case Value (excl Adjustments) ValueTotalBestCaseExclAdjustments   The sum total of actual and forecast values, using the best case scenario and excluding adjustments, in the corporate currency.
Total Best Case Value ValueTotalBestCase   The sum total of actual and forecast values, using the best case scenario, in the corporate currency.
Total Value (excl Adjustments) ValueTotalExclAdjustments   The sum total of actual and forecast values, minus adjustments, in the corporate currency.
Total Value ValueTotal   The sum total of actual and forecast values in the corporate currency.
Total Worst Case Value (excl Adjustments) ValueTotalWorstCaseExclAdjustments   The sum total of actual and forecast values, using the worst case scenario and excluding adjustments, in the corporate currency.
Total Worst Case Value ValueTotalWorstCase   The sum total of actual and forecast values, using the worst case scenario, in the corporate currency.
Unscheduled Project Revenue Best Case Value ValueProjectUnscheduledBestCase   The amount of unscheduled revenue for the project within the relevant time period, using the best case scenario, in the corporate currency.
Unscheduled Project Revenue Worst Case Value ValueProjectUnscheduledWorstCase   The amount of unscheduled revenue for the project within the relevant time period, using the worst case scenario, in the corporate currency.
Unscheduled Revenue Best Case Value Unscheduled Revenue Best Case Value   The amount of unscheduled revenue within the relevant time period, using the best case scenario, in the corporate currency.
Unscheduled Revenue Value ValueUnscheduledRevenue   The amount of unscheduled revenue within the relevant time period in the corporate currency.
Unscheduled Revenue Worst Case Value ValueUnscheduledRevenueWorstCase   The amount of unscheduled revenue within the relevant time period, using the worst case scenario, in the corporate currency.
Dimension Account Country AccountCountry   The country of the account associated with the project or opportunity.
Account ID AccountId   System-generated identifier of the account associated with the project or opportunity.
Account Industry AccountIndustry   The industry of the account associated with the project or opportunity.
Account Name AccountName   The name of the account associated with the project or opportunity.
Account Type AccountType   The type of the account associated with the project or opportunity.
Corporate Currency CorporateCurrency   The corporate currency of the org.
Detail Record Name DetailRecordName   The name of the revenue forecast or revenue forecast detail child record.
Forecast Name ForecastName   The name of the revenue forecast or revenue forecast detail parent record.
Group ID Chain GroupIdChain   System-generated list of identifiers of all of the groups associated with the project or opportunity. The groups' identifiers are listed in descending hierarchical order.
Group Level XX GroupNameXX   The name of a group associated with the project or opportunity. XX represents a number between 00 and 12, and determines the group's level in the hierarchy of groups associated with the project or opportunity. 00 is the highest level of group.
Group Name Chain GroupNameChain   System-generated list of names of all of the groups associated with the project or opportunity. The groups' names are listed in descending hierarchical order.
Id Id   System-generated identifier of the revenue forecast version.
Include Best Case IncludeBestCase   Indicates that the opportunity best case threshold was applied when the revenue forecast version was created.
Include Worst Case IncludeWorstCase   Indicates that the opportunity worst case threshold was applied when the revenue forecast version was created.
Milestone ID MilestoneId   System-generated identifier of the milestone.
Milestone Name MilestoneName   The name of the milestone.
Name Name   The name of the revenue forecast version.
Object for Version Grouping VersionGroupingPrimary   The object that projects and opportunities are grouped under on the review forecast version.
Opportunity ID OpportunityId   System-generated identifier of the opportunity.
Opportunity Name OpportunityName   The name of the opportunity.
Parent Record Name ForecastRecordName   The name of the parent revenue forecast.
Practice ID Chain PracticeIdChain   System-generated list of identifiers of all of the practices associated with the project or opportunity. The practices' names are listed in descending hierarchical order.
Practice Level XX PracticeNameXX   The name of a practice associated with the project or opportunity. XX represents a number between 00 and 12, and determines the practice's level in the hierarchy of practices associated with the project or opportunity. 00 is the highest level of practice.
Practice Name Chain PracticeNameChain   System-generated list of names of all of the practices associated with the project or opportunity. The practices' names are listed in descending hierarchical order.
Project Active ProjectIsActive   Indicates whether the project is active.
Project Billable ProjectIsBillable G Indicates whether the project is billable.
Project Company ID ProjectCompanyId   System-generated identifier of the company associated with the project.
Project Company Name ProjectCompanyName   The name of the company associated with the project.
Project Currency ISO Code ProjectCurrencyIsoCode   Enables you to choose a currency to report the project figures in, when working with multiple currencies.
Project Display ID ProjectDisplayId   System-generated unique identifier displayed on a project record.
Project ID ProjectId   System-generated identifier of the project.
Project Manager Name ProjectManagerName   The name of the project manager associated with the project.
Project Name ProjectName   The name of the project.
Project Stage ProjectStage   The stage of the project.
Record Type RecordType   The type of revenue forecast record.
Region ID Chain RegionIdChain   System-generated list of identifiers of all of the regions associated with the project or opportunity. The regions' names are listed in descending hierarchical order.
Region Level XX RegionNameXX   The name of a region associated with the project or opportunity. XX represents a number between 00 and 12, and determines the region's level in the hierarchy of regions associated with the project or opportunity. 00 is the highest level of region.
Region Name Chain RegionNameChain   System-generated list of names of all of the regions associated with the project or opportunity. The regions' names are listed in descending hierarchical order.
Time Period ID TimePeriodId   System-generated identifier of the time period.
Time Period Name TimePeriodName   The name of the time period.
Time Period Type TimePeriodType   The time period for the Utilization Detail object. By default the values of this field are: Week, Month, Quarter, and Year.
Type Type   The type of project, opportunity, or milestone.
Date Forecast Created Date ForecastCreatedDate   The date on which the forecast was created.
Project End Date ProjectEndDate   The end date of the project.
Project Start Date ProjectStartDate   The start date of the project.
Time Period End Date TimePeriodEndDate   The end date of the associated time period.
Time Period Start Date TimePeriodStartDate   The start date of the associated time period.