Action View Template - Column Filter Fields

Here is a description of the interface elements on the Action View Template - Column Filter popup. This popup is displayed when you click the Filter icon on the Columns tab on the Action View Template page. The title bar shows the title of the column to which you are applying the filter. Applying a filter to a column lets you be selective about what information is displayed in that column. See About Column Filters for more information and examples.

Building the Column Filter

The filter is displayed graphically as an expression and always starts with an AND container. Drag the Field icon and drop it within the AND container (inside the area marked as the drop zone), then click the pencil icon to display the Filter Criteria popup where you define the details to use.

Filter Criteria

Field Description
Field The field that you want to use. Only fields that have the Presentable checkbox enabled on the dataview are available.
Operator The operator that you want to use. For example, with numeric fields you might want to use "=" or "In Range", whereas with text fields you might want to use "Starts With" or "Contains". If the field is a Salesforce Record ID the operator can only be "=" or "<>".
Value The value that you want to use. If the operator is "In Range" or "Not in Range", you need to enter From and To values. If the value is a date, you can enter either an explicit date (hard date) or an offset of the current date (soft dateClosed Salesforce refers to soft dates as "relative date values". Accounting supports the following relative date values: Today, Tomorrow, Yesterday, Last "n" Days, Next "n" Days, This Week, Last Week, Next Week, This Year, Last Year, Next Year. See the Salesforce Help for details of how these relative date values are resolved. Note that Last "n" Days and Next "n" Days are ranges. For example if today is May 25 then Last 3 Days is from May 23 to May 25. A filter on transaction date of "< Last 3 days" would retrieve transactions dated prior to May 23.). The value can be left blank when the operator is "=" or "<>". Values for other operators can only be left blank if the criterion is set to prompt.
Prompt When enabled, the user will be prompted to supply the value at runtime. Criteria that are set to prompt are displayed in a different color.

You can add multiple AND and OR containers to build a more complex filter.

You can remove criteria and containers from the filter by clicking their Trash can symbol. You can also rearrange containers and criteria by dragging and dropping them within the filter.