Example Setup for Common Names and Drilling

This is an illustration of how you might configure common names to inquire on accounts and drill to their associated invoices and transactions. Another typical usage might be to drill from reporting balances to transactions; the same principles apply.

This illustration is divided into three stages:

  1. Creating the dataviews and action view templates, and checking that they return the expected results.
  2. Creating common names and assigning them to fields in the dataviews.
  3. Specifying drill action view templates on the fields that you want to be drillable.

This topic does not give detailed instructions on how to create dataviews and action view templates. For that level of detail see the related tasks.

Stage 1: Create the dataviews and action view templates, and check that they return the expected results

Create a dataview for each of the objects listed in the table below: Account and Opportunity. Notice that some fields can only be added by creating lookup joins to other objects.

Account Opportunity Dataview1 Opportunity Dataview2
Account Name Account Name (requires lookup join to Account object) Account Name (requires lookup join to Account object)
Billing Street Opportunity Number Opportunity Number
Billing City Opportunity Date Opportunity Date
Billing State/Province Due Date Due Date
Billing Country Opportunity Description Opportunity Description
Billing Zip/Postal Code Total Total

When you have created the dataviews, create an action view template for each one. Leave the Row Selection tab blank on each action view template. On the Columns tab, add all the fields in each dataview.

Run an action view for each template in turn to check that the fields that have been included are the correct data type. For example, when you run an action view using the Opportunity Dataview1 the Account Name column should list account names and not account IDs. If you have included a field of the wrong data type by mistake, you will need to remove it from the action view template before you can remove it from the dataview, then add the correct field into the dataview and into the action view template before running the action view again.

Stage 2: Create common names and assign them to fields in the dataviews

When each action view template is retrieving the correct results, set up the common names Account Name. About Common Names and Drilling describes how to create common names.

Account Opportunity Dataview1 Opportunity Dataview2
Account Name Account Name Account Name
Billing Street Opportunity Number Opportunity Number
Billing City Opportunity Date Opportunity Date
Billing State/Province Due Date Due Date
Billing Country Opportunity Description Opportunity Description
Billing Zip/Postal Code Total Total

Stage 3: Set drill action view templates on the fields you want to be drillable

Open each action view template in turn and, on the Columns tab, specify the drill action view templates as identified below:

Account Opportunity Dataview1 Opportunity Dataview2
Account Name Drill Action View Template: Opportunity1 Account Name Drill Action View Template: Opportunity2 Account Name
Billing Street Opportunity Number Opportunity Number
Billing City Opportunity Date Opportunity Date
Billing State/Province Due Date Due Date
Billing Country Opportunity Description Opportunity Description
Billing Zip/Postal Code Total Total
Account Opportunity Dataview1 Opportunity Dataview2
Account Name Drill Action View Template: Opportunity1 Account Name Drill Action View Template: Opportunity2 Account Name

To ensure the row selection filters are applied to your destination action view template, select the Include when template is the drill destination checkbox on the Row Selection tab. Your filter then appears on the destination action view. By default, the checkbox is not selected.

Drilling Around Action View Results

By configuring the dataviews and action view templates described above, the following drill scenario is supported.

  • Run an action view using the Account action view template, then click on an account name to drill to the Opportunity1 template for that particular account. Selection context = Account Name.
  • From the Opportunity1 view, click on the account name for a particular row to drill to the Opportunity2. Selection context = Account Name.