Creating a Related Content Pane
You determine the information that is shown on a related content pane. The pane can provide several tabs of information. The components are listed on the palette when you select your driving object.
To create a new related content pane:
- Click the Related Content Panes tab.
- Click New on the home page. The Related Content Pane Editor opens.
- Specify a unique Name for the new related content pane.
- Pick the Driving Object for the related content pane from the drop-down list. For example, a related content pane to inquire on customer address details needs a driving object of Account. You can type in part of the object name and the list is filtered.
- When you select the driving object, the palette is populated with the relevant components, for example Single Field, Contacts, Address, Action Views, Task Management. Click
on the General tab to hide the list of components while you are designing your pane.
- Select Pane Width. Large fills the screen when the user opens it. You can change the pane width at any time.
- From the palette, drag the component and drop it onto the New Tab pane. You can place the same component on the pane several times. You can resize the component as long as it remains inside the width of the pane. As you add and resize the components, the pane automatically rearranges them to fit. There is no limit to the height of the pane. You can remove a component either by dragging it back to the palette or by hovering over it and clicking
. A component is shown as amber if you need to configure it.
- Click
to edit a component and specify a label. The label must be unique on the pane.
- Depending on the component, you may need to add more information. See Related Content Pane Fields. For example, in the single field configuration, for lookups you can drill to select a field.
- Click Apply and the component color changes to blue. Note that your individual applied changes are only saved when you click Save on the toolbar.
- [Optional] You can configure some components to allow users to change information from within the pane, for example the Address and Contact components. Edit the component and check Allow Edit.
- [Optional] To change the name of the tab, double-click the New tab text. You can delete the text and type in your own.
- [Optional] Click
to add more tabs to the pane. Drag the tab title bars to change the order of the tabs. Click X on New Tab to remove it permanently from the pane.
- Click Save.
When you have created a pane, you can add it to one or more action view templates.

- From the Related Content Panes home page select a View and click Go.
- Click Edit beside the relevant related content pane, and make your edits.
- Click Save & Run to view your related conten pane.

- Before deleting a related content pane, make sure that it is not used on any action view templates.
- From the Related Content Panes home page select a View and click Go.
- Click Del beside the relevant related content pane.
- Click OK to confirm the delete.

- Click Clone.
- Click OK to confirm.
- Change the Name, make any changes, then Save.

If you use a component on a pane and the package supporting the component is later removed, you must remove the component manually from your related content panes. For example, if you use the Chatter component and later disable Chatter in your org, you must change the related content pane.
Linking Related Content Panes with Objects
You can link a related content pane to a standard or custom object if required. This link is created by using the ID of the driving object. For example, you may want to create a custom button to enable you to view the related content pane for an account directly from the Account object.
To obtain the ID the driving object:
- Using the Classic user interface, navigate to your selected related content pane.
- Copy the ID from the end of the URL in your browser, and paste it into a clipboard or text file for you to retrieve later.
To create a button to link an account related content pane to the Account object, you must perform the following steps:
- Click Setup | Object Manager, and select the Account object.
- Click Buttons, Links, Actions.
- Click Create New Button and perform the following actions:
- Create a label.
- Create a name.
- [Optional] Enter a description.
- Select "Detail Page Button". Select "Display in New Window".
- Set the Content Source to URL.
- Set the Field Type to Account.
- In the Custom Button or Link Editor field, enter the following string:
[ID of the Account related content pane]&drivingentityid=
[select "Account.Id" to append the string]. For example, if the ID of the Account related content pane ID was "0000", then your string would look like this:/apex/ffr__relatedcontentpane?ID=0000&drivingentityid=AccountID
. - Click Save.
- Add the new button to your selected page layout. For more information on customizing page layouts, see the Salesforce Help.