Create a New Task

You can create a new task from the Task Management Day View or Month View. For more information, see Task Management Day View and Task Management Month View.

  1. Navigate to the View where you want to create the new task.
  2. Click Add icon New Task.
  3. Enter a Subject for the task.
  4. The Related To field shows the account instance that you are working with.
  5. By default, the task is assigned to the person who creates it. To assign the task to a different user, select User from a picklist of available users.
  6. To set the Priority click Downward facing arrowand select from a picklist of:

    • Low
    • Medium
    • High
  7. The default Due Date is the current date. Click the calendar to select a different date.
  8. Select the Task Subtype from a picklist of:

    • Call
    • Email
    • Task
  9. Select the Status from a picklist.
  10. Click Save and the task appears on the Task Management views.