Estimate Product Instance Fields
The estimate product instance record includes the following fields.
* – Mandatory field
Field |
Description |
Added to Opportunity | Indicates that the estimate product instance has been added to the opportunity related to its estimate. | |
Bill Amount | The total bill amount for the estimate product instance. | |
Bill Amount (Estimate Currency) | The bill amount for the estimate product instance in the currency of the related estimate. | |
Billable Expense Amount | The total billable expense amount for the estimate product instance. | |
Billable Expense Amount (Estimate Curr) | The billable estimated expense amount for the estimate product instance, in the currency of the estimate. | |
Billing Type |
The method of billing. You can select one of the following options:
Cost Amount | The total cost amount for the estimate product instance. | |
Cost Amount (Estimate Currency) | The cost amount for the estimate product, in the currency of the estimate. | |
Description | The description of the estimate product instance. | |
Discount (%) | The percentage discount applied to the role requests associated with the estimate product. | |
End Date | The date the estimate product instance ends. | |
Estimate | The estimate that relates to the estimate product instance. | |
Estimate Product | The estimate product that relates to the estimate product instance. | |
Estimate Product Instance Name | * | The name of the estimate product instance. |
Fixed Price Margin (%) | For fixed price estimate product instances only. The fixed price margin that the estimate product instance uses to calculate the billable amount. | |
Net Bill Amount | The total bill amount for the estimate product instance after discounts are applied. | |
Net Bill Amount (Estimate Currency) | The net bill amount for the estimate product, including discount, in the currency of the estimate. | |
Processing | Indicates that records associated with the estimate product instance are currently being created or updated. | |
Project | The project created from the estimate product instance. | |
Start Date | * | The date the estimate product instance starts. |
Total Non-Billable Expenses | The total amount of non-billable estimated expenses related to the estimate product instance. | |
Total Non-Billable Expenses (Est Curr) | The total amount of non-billable estimated expenses related to the estimate product instance, in the currency of the estimate. | |
Vendor Line Item Bill Amount (Est Curr) | The estimate vendor line item bill amount for the estimate product instance, in the currency of the estimate. | |
Vendor Line Item Cost Amount (Est Curr) | The estimate vendor line item cost amount for the estimate product instance, in the currency of the estimate. | |
Vendor Line Item Total Bill Amount | The total EVLI amount for the estimate product instance. | |
Vendor Line Item Total Cost Amount | The total EVLI cost amount for the estimate product instance. |