Predicted Estimate Win Rate (%) Component
This Predicted Estimate Win Rate (%) component displays the predicted estimate win rate of an estimate. Predictions are based on the Einstein Discovery model Estimate Win Rate (%) model.
Name | Description | Additional Information |
Predicted Estimate Win Rate (%) | The predicted win rate of an estimate as a percentage. The percentage updates when changes are made to the estimate. | Training Estimate Win Rate (%) Models |
Top Predictors | The principal fields informing the percentage predicted win rate of the estimate. | Get Predictions on Lightning Pages in the Salesforce Help |
Suggested Improvements | Suggestions on what to change actionable variables by to improve the estimate's predicted win rate. You can select actionable variables in the Estimate Win Rate (%) model. | Selecting Actionable Variables for Suggested Improvements in the Salesforce Help |
Data displayed in the Predicted Estimate Win Rate (%) component is derived from the Estimate Win Rate dataset, which includes data from the Project Reporting dataset in PS Cloud Core Analytics. For more information on these datasets, see Project Reporting Dataset Output Fields and Estimate Win Rate Input Fields.
The Estimate Win Rate (%) model also facilitates the Simulate Estimate Win Rate action in Services CPQ. For more information, see Simulating the Win Rate of an Estimate.