Multiple-level Output Lists

You can create multiple-level output lists and multiple-level aggregated output lists using the <advanced_formatting> tag.

You can traverse five levels in Salesforce using SOQL.

You can include content to be displayed after the data returned by the <advanced_formatting> in the <after> tag.

You can include content to be displayed before the data returned by the <advanced_formatting> in the <before> tag.

Sample Code

You can display five levels of data where object A has child objects B, C, D and E, where E is a child of D, D is a child of C, C is a child of B and B is a child of A. Object E has an Amount__c field that rolls-up to each level as TotalOfE__c on each level. If the object_name__c field of your template is A and you want to display the five levels of data, you can use something like this:

<output_list object="E" relation="D__r.C__r.B__r.A__c" order_by="D__r.C__r.B__r.A__r.Name, D__r.C__r.B__r.Name, D__r.C__r.Name, D__r.Name, Name" />


The last node in relation is the ID field. The rest of the nodes in relation are relationship names. You must specify the order from the highest level to the lowest level, otherwise the data will not be shown in the correct order in the report.

You can then add the <advanced_formatting> tag inside the output list:

<output_list object="E" relation="D__r.C__r.B__r.A__c" order_by="D__r.C__r.B__r.A__r.Name, D__r.C__r.B__r.Name, D__r.C__r.Name, D__r.Name, Name" >
<on_change field="D__r.C__r.B__r.A__c">
<before><tr><td><ol_field name="D__r.C__r.B__r.A__r.Name" /></td></tr></before>
<after><tr><td>Total E amount: <ol_field name="D__r.C__r.B__r.A__r.TotalofE" /></td></tr></after>
<on_change field="D__r.C__r.B__c">
<before><tr><td><td><ol_field name="D__r.C__r.B__r.Name" /></td></td></tr></before>
<after><tr><td><td>Total E amount: <ol_field name="D__r.C__r.B__r.TotalofE__c" /></td></td></tr></after>
<on_change field="D__r.C__c">
<before><tr><td><td><td><ol_field name="C__r.Name" /></td></td></td></tr></before>
<after><tr><td><td><td>Total E amount: <ol_field name="D__r.C__r.TotalofE__c" /></td></td></td></tr></after>
<on_change field="D__c">
<before><tr><td><td><td><td><ol_field name="D__r.Name" /></td></td></td></td></tr></before>
<after><tr><td><td><td><td>Total E amount: <ol_field name="D__r.TotalofE__c" /></td></td></td></td></tr></after>
<td><ol_field name="Name"/></td>
<td><ol_field name="Amount__c"/></td>