Running a Report

Running a Report from the Object Detail Page

To run a status report from the detail page:

  1. Click the tab associated with the object that the report is set up to run on.
  2. Select the record that you want to create the report for.
  3. Click the detail page button that has been set up for the report.
  4. If you created a "View Only" button, the report appears in a pop-up window. If not, see step five.
  5. If you want to change the template for the report:

    1. Click Change.
    2. Click the Select link on the template that you want to use for the report.
    3. Click Close.


      Changing the template for the report does not update the recipients of that report.

  6. To override the default recipients of the report:

    1. Click Edit in the To, CC or BCC fields.
    2. Enter an email address in the Enter Address(es) field or search for one using the Contact Lookup.
    3. To add an email address, click Add Address(es).
    4. Click Close.
  7. To save and send the report, click Save and Send. To save the report, click Save Only.


    If the Save and Send button is not shown, the report may need to be approved before you can send it. See Setting Report Approval Requirement.

    When you run a report for the first time, the fields in the template record are used to determine who the email is to be sent to. Once a report is generated, the email addresses that it was sent to are recorded in the Output History object regardless of whether the default recipients were overridden. Even when the template is changed, the record of previous recipients remains.

    Select Use Intelligent Email Limit Management if the recipients of the report include internal Salesforce users.

Running a Report from the Object List View

To run a status report from the list view:

  1. Click the tab associated with the object that the report is set up to run on.
  2. Select the records that you want to include in the report.
  3. Click the list view button that has been set up for the report.