Total Block

You can add a <total_block> tag to an <output_list> tag. This allows you to prevent automatic currency conversion to the corporate currency. You use the <ol_aggr_field> sub tag to carry out calculations such as sum, min, max, cnt and avg. The result of a <total_block> tag is shown after the last row of data in the <output_list> tag to which it belongs, but before the <after> tag. See Total Block.


<ol_aggr_field name="FieldNameToCalc" aggregate_function="Calculation" format=""NumberFormat" />
<ol_aggr_field name="FieldNameToCalc" aggregate_function="Calculation" format=""NumberFormat"" />

If your template contains a <total_block> tag, that tag must contain at least one <ol_aggr_field> tag. The <ol_aggr_field> tag determines the fields that appear in the output. Where:

  • FieldNameToCalc is the API name of a field to include in the total block.
  • Calculation is the calculation to be carried out on the field data. You can enter any of the following: sum, min, max, cnt, avg.
  • Number Format is the way in which the result of the calculation is to be formatted.

Sample Code

<output_list object="Contact" relation="AccountId">
<th>Social Rank</th>
<ol_field name="Name"/>
<ol_field name="Social_Ranking__c" format="decimals:1;"/>
<td><ol_aggr_field name="Social_Ranking__c" aggregate_function="avg" format="decimals:1;"/></td>
<td><ol_aggr_field name="Social_Ranking__c" aggregate_function="sum" format="decimals:1;"/></td>
<td><ol_aggr_field name="Social_Ranking__c" aggregate_function="cnt" format="decimals:0;"/></td>
<td><ol_aggr_field name="Social_Ranking__c" aggregate_function="min" format="decimals:1;"/></td>
<td><ol_aggr_field name="Social_Ranking__c" aggregate_function="max" format="decimals:1;"/></td>