Validating an Output Template

To validate an Output Template for common problems such as missing or incomplete tags:

  1. Click the Output Templates tab.
  2. Select the template that you want to validate.
  3. Click Validate.

    Details of validation errors are shown in the Parser Status section at the top of the validation page. Details of validation errors include the line number on which each error occurs. You can view the lines that contain errors at in the Template Body section at the bottom of the validation page.


The <before>, <after>, <before_block> and <after_block> tags are not validated when you click Validate. The reason for this is that in some cases where these tags are used, the XML in the output template body does not become valid until the report runs.In order to help make your template bodies more readable, we strongly recommend that you use the <before>, <after>, <before_block> and <after_block> tags in the order in which the content is to appear in the template.

XML that is contained within an attribute is not validated when you click Validate. The reason for this is that this XML is not valid until the report runs. For instance, the <filter> tag that follows is not valid XML because the value attribute contains an XML tag. <filter field="Date__c" operator="equal"value="<field name="Status_Report_Run_For__c" format="yyyy-mm-dd" />" />