Defining and Applying Filters in Gantt
To define a filter:
- Click
to open the Filters panel.
- Click a filter heading to open it, and then select attributes of the filter to refine it. Each time that you define a filter, a tag for it is added at the top of the panel.
- Repeat step 2 for each filter that you need.
- Click Apply Filters. The filtered tasks are displayed in the task grid, and the number of filters applied is shown on the button.
Filter Attributes
Within filters, you can define attributes that refine the filters and focus your results further.
In filters with AND logic, such as Start Date, you can define a Between attribute for which you set two dates. Any project tasks that start between, but do not include these dates are displayed.
How filters use OR logic depends on the filter:
- In the Project Task Name filter, for "Contains" or "Starts with" attributes you add multiple entries separated by commas. For example: In a Contains attribute, when you enter "walls,floors,ceilings", project task names that contain any of these words are displayed.
- In the Resource Name filter, select multiple resources from a list. Tasks that contain any of these resources are displayed.
Filtered Results
When you have applied filters:
- The project bar is always shown.
- When a result relates only to a parent task, its children are not shown.
- When a result relates to a child task, its parent is also shown, but its siblings are hidden.
Editing Filters
To edit filters:
- Open a filter.
- Edit its attributes.
- Click Apply Filters.
Resetting Filters
To reset all filters at once, click Reset All at the top of the panel.
To reset individual filters, either:
- In the list of filters at the top of the panel, click
on a filter tag.
- Click Reset on the filter header.
Using the Filters Panel
To close the panel, click or