Tracking Projects Against a Billing Cap
Project tracking enables you to analyze the progress of the projects where you have set the bookings total as the billing cap. You can then identify and mitigate the risk of projects potentially exceeding the cap.
You may also cap billing at budget-level rather than at project-level. For more information, see Applying a Billing Cap to Individual Budgets.
Using the options in the Project Tracking section of the project, you can:
- Apply an alert threshold for a billing cap. If you apply a billing cap, you can check the financial progress of a project in a report.
- Send an alert email to a selected contact when the alert threshold is reached or exceeded.
- Automatically stop the release of billing events for projects that exceed their billing cap.
To track a project against a billing cap and optionally set an email alert and stop billing events:
- In the Project Tracking section, click
on one of the fields.
- Select the Apply Billing Cap checkbox.
- In the Alert Threshold field, enter a percentage value for the billing cap. The alert is activated when the project's billings reach this percentage of bookings.
- [Optional] In the Alert Recipient field, select or enter a contact to receive alert emails when the alert threshold is reached or exceeded.
- [Optional] Select the Auto-Cap Billing checkbox to stop billing events that exceed the billing cap. You must have also selected Apply Billing Cap.
- Click Save.
Alert Emails
The alert recipient receives an email whenever actuals are updated and billings remain above the percentage threshold value of bookings. To stop this process, you can:
- Increase the alert threshold value.
- Remove the alert recipient.
- Deselect the Apply Billing Cap checkbox. This stops the tracking of the project.
Projects with Billing Cap Report
A PSA report enables you to view the status of all projects across the company that are being tracked against a billing cap. This includes data from the Project Tracking section of each project's detail page, which is updated every time that actuals are recalculated.
This enables you to see:
- Projects that are nearing the percentage threshold that you have set and need attention.
- Projects that do not need attention.
- Projects that you are tracking but you have not yet set a percentage threshold for.
To find the report:
- In App Launcher, open the Reports tab.
- On the Reports tab, open the PSA: Billing & Invoice Management folder.
- Click the report Projects with Billing Cap V1.