Scoping Requirement Set Fields

The scoping requirement set record includes the following fields.


* – Mandatory field

Fields added to the Scoping Requirement Set object.
Field   Description
Active   If selected, the scoping requirement set is active.
Description   Description of the scoping requirement set.
Estimate Product * The estimate product that relates to the scoping requirement set.
Scoping Requirement Set Name * The name of the scoping requirement set.


The scoping requirement set record includes the following buttons.

Button Description
Insert Requirement Below Inserts a requirement below currently selected requirement.
Insert Choice Response Above Inserts a choice response above currently selected response. A choice response is one that can be selected out of a list of choices by the user.
Insert Choice Response Below Inserts a choice response below currently selected response. A choice response is one that can be selected out of a list of choices by the user.
Insert Input Response Inserts an input response below currently selected response. An input response is one that can be manually entered by the user.