Use these settings in the Assignment Settings custom settings to manage assignments.
Adjust Sched Date on Assignment Close
Indicates whether the end date of an assignment is automatically set to today's date when a closed status is detected and the schedule end date is past today's date.
Adjust Hours Strategy Respects Holidays
Indicates whether the scheduling strategy respects work calendar holidays and sets hours to zero for zero hour holidays. When selected:
Hours are spread across other days and a schedule exception is created.
No schedule exception is generated when a non-working holiday occurs during a weekend.
A schedule exception is created for working holidays that occur during a weekday or a weekend. The exception hours are equal to the adjusted hours per day or equal to the holiday hour.
Assign Resource Custom Lookup
Indicates whether the a custom resource lookup popup is displayed in place of the standard resource lookup when assigning a resource.
Assign Resource Custom Lookup Columns
API names of the columns to display on the Assign Resource Custom lookup.
Assign Resource Milestone Lookup
Indicates whether the Milestone lookup appears on assignments.
Assign Resource Milestone Lookup Columns
API names of the columns to display on the Assign Resource Milestone lookup.
Assign Resource Milestone Required
Indicates whether the Milestone field on assignments is mandatory.
Assignment Closed Statuses
A comma-delimited list of assignment status values that dictate when an assignment is closed.
Assignment Name Project Name Max Length
Maximum number of characters from the project name in an automatically generated Assignment Name.
Assignment Name Resource Name Max Length
Maximum number of characters from the resource name in an automatically generated Assignment Name.
AssigRes Is Resource Lookup Filter
Indicates whether the resource lookup filters out contacts that are not resources when assigning resources to projects.
AssigRes IsResource Active Lookup Filter
Indicates whether the resource lookup filters out inactive resources when assigning resources to projects.
Auto Share with New Resource
Determines whether to share an assignment and schedule with the resource's Salesforce user on creation or when the resource is changed. You can set the value to Read or Edit to define the level of sharing. If no value is set, no action is taken.
Delete Share from Old Resource
Indicates whether the existing share of the assignment and schedule with the resource's Salesforce user is deleted when the resource on the assignment is changed.
Display Planned Bill Rate
Indicates whether the Planned Bill Rate Appears on the Mass Assign Projects to Resource, Resource Request and Assignment pages.
Edit Schedule Default Strategy
The default scheduling strategy for the Schedule Strategy field on the Edit Assignment Schedule page. You can set this to one of the following:
"level" for Calculate End Date, Level Schedule.
"ignore" for Calculate End Date, Ignore Availability.
"day" for Adjust Hours Per Day.
"PercentAllocation" for Percent Allocation.
Hide Adjust Hours Scheduling Strategy
Indicates whether the Adjust Hours Per Day scheduling strategy is hidden from the Schedule Strategy drop-down list when assigning a single resource to a project, assigning a resource from a resource request, editing a schedule and anywhere that you can select scheduling strategies with the exception of the Staffer and Planners.
Hide Custom Scheduling Strategy
Indicates whether the Custom scheduling strategy is hidden from the Schedule Strategy drop-down list when assigning a single resource to a project, assigning a resource from a resource request, editing a schedule and anywhere that you can select scheduling strategies with the exception of the Staffer and Planners.
Hide Ignore Avail Scheduling Strategy
Indicates whether the Calculate End Date Ignore Availability scheduling strategy is hidden from the Schedule Strategy drop-down list when assigning a single resource to a project, assigning a resource from a resource request, editing a schedule and anywhere that you can select scheduling strategies with the exception of the Staffer and Planners.
Hide Level Schedule Scheduling Strategy
Indicates whether the Calculate End Date Level Schedule scheduling strategy is hidden from the Schedule Strategy drop-down list when assigning a single resource to a project, assigning a resource from a resource request, editing a schedule and anywhere that you can select scheduling strategies with the exception of the Staffer and Planners.
Hide Percent Alloc Scheduling Strategy
Indicates whether the Percent Allocation scheduling strategy is hidden from the Schedule Strategy drop-down list when assigning a single resource to a project, assigning a resource from a resource request, editing a schedule and anywhere that you can select scheduling strategies with the exception of the Staffer and Planners.
Hide Zero Hour Scheduling Strategy
Indicates whether the Zero Hour Schedule scheduling strategy is hidden from the Schedule Strategy drop-down list when assigning a single resource to a project, assigning a resource from a resource request, editing a schedule and anywhere that you can select scheduling strategies with the exception of the Staffer and Planners.
Link Assignment Header Tooltip Fields
Comma delimited list of API names of fields to be listed when hovering over the tooltip icon on the Link Assignment to Milestones, Link Assignment to Project Methodology and Link Assignment to Phase pages.
Link Methodology Header Tooltip Fields
Comma delimited list of API names of fields to be listed when hovering over the tooltip icon on the Link Project Methodology to Assignment page.
Link Milestone Header Tooltip Fields
Comma delimited list of API names of fields to be listed when hovering over the tooltip icon on the Link Milestone to Assignments page.
Link Phase Header Tooltip Fields
Comma delimited list of API names of fields to be listed when hovering over the tooltip icon on the Link Project Phase to Assignment page.
Mass Assign Milestone Editable
Indicates whether the Milestone is displayed and editable on the Mass Assign Projects to Resource page and the Mass Assign Resources to Project page.
Mass Assign Milestone Required
When Mass Assign Milestone Editable is selected, indicates whether the milestone field must be completed for each assignment to be created on the Mass Assign Projects to Resource page and the Mass Assign Resources to Project page.
Mass Assign Projects Load Limit
Determines how many projects are returned in the search results on the Mass Assign Projects to Resource page.
Mass Assign Resources Load Limit
Determines how many resources are returned in the search results on the Mass Assign Resources to Project page.
Role Hidden
Indicates whether the Role field on the Assign Resource to Project page is hidden.
Role Required on Creation
Indicates whether the Role field is mandatory when creating a new assignment on the Assign Resource to Project, Assign Multiple Resources to Project and Mass Assign Resources to Project pages.
Timecard Statuses
The comma-delimited list of the Timecard Status field values to use when performing timecard calculations for the Edit Assignment Schedule page.
Use Default Cost Rate Clear on Assigning
Indicates whether the default value of the Use Default Cost Rate checkbox is unchecked on the Assign Resource to Project, Mass Assign Resources to Project and Mass Assign Projects To Resource pages.