Backlog Calculations

A backlog is revenue that is expected from projects over a period of time for a regionA level of hierarchy used in PSA to which other objects belong such as resources, opportunities and projects., practiceA level of hierarchy used in PSA to which other objects belong such as resources, opportunities and projects. or groupA level of hierarchy used in PSA to which other objects belong such as resources, opportunities and projects..

Scheduled backlog refers to expected revenue pertaining to resources assigned or milestones scheduled on a projectA collection of activities and related items to be managed over a defined time range, such as timecards, expenses, milestones and budgets.. Unscheduled backlog refers to expected revenue pertaining to allocated funds on a project, without resources assigned or milestones scheduled.

There are two versions of backlog processing. If your administrator has enabled both versions FinancialForce strongly recommends that you use the new version.

Backlog calculations are carried out using Salesforce Batch Apex. This reduces the possibility of hitting Salesforce platform governor limits. You can:

When you calculate backlog, each backlog calculation and its related backlog details are stored as separate records using new Salesforce custom objects. The records are available in each region, practice, group and project related list. You can use these records for reporting.

You initiate a backlog calculation and then you can choose whether you want to schedule it or run it immediately.

Milestones are rolled up to the Milestone Revenue field of the backlog detail record when the following conditions are met:

Inactive projects are not processed as part of backlog calculations.

Related Tasks

Calculating Backlog

Recalculating Backlog

Reference Materials

Backlog Calculation Fields

Backlog Calculation Detail Fields

Backlog Settings

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