FinancialForce PSA tracks actuals at the region, practice, group, resource and project level, prior to billing. Use these settings in the Actuals configuration group to manage actuals.
Field | Description |
BillableExternalHoursCategories | The specific transaction categories to track. The amount for the category is rolled up to the Billable Hours (External) field in Region, Practice, Group, Resource, and Projects. The default value is Billable External Hours. |
BillableExternalHoursDisabled | Contains values for hierarchies that should not be tracked. |
BillableInternalHoursCategories | The specific transaction categories to track. The amount for the category is rolled up to the Billable Hours (Internal) field in Region, Practice, Group, Resource, and Projects. The default value is Billable Internal Hours. |
BillableInternalHoursDisabled | Contains values for hierarchies that should not be tracked. |
BilledRevenueCategories | The specific transaction categories to track. The amount for the category is rolled up to the Billable Hours (Internal) field in Region, Practice, Group, Resource, and Projects. The default value is Billed Revenue. |
BilledRevenueDisabled | Contains values for hierarchies that should not be tracked. |
BillingsCategories | The specific transaction categories to track. The amount for the category is rolled up to the Billings field in Region, Practice, Group, Resource, and Projects. The default value is Ready-to-Bill Revenue. |
BillingsDisabled | Contains values for hierarchies that should not be tracked. |
BookingsCategories | The specific transaction categories to track. The amount for the category is rolled up to the Bookings field in Region, Practice, Group, Resource, and Projects. The default value is Booked Revenue. |
BookingsDisabled | Contains values for hierarchies that should not be tracked. |
CalculationBatchSize | Apex batch size for actuals calculation in the Actuals Verifier. |
CalculationDeltaBatchSize | Apex batch size for actuals calculation when processing transaction deltas. |
CalculationMode | Determines when actuals are calculated. If you want PSA to periodically calculate actuals from transactions, set the value to Scheduled, otherwise set the value to Immediate. |
CreditedNonBillableInternalHoursCategories | The specific transaction categories to track. The amount for the category is rolled up to the Credited Hours field in Region, Practice, Group, Resource, and Projects. The default value is Credited Non-Billable Internal Hours. |
CreditedNonBillableInternalHoursDisabled | Contains values for hierarchies that should not be tracked. |
ExcludedHoursCategories | The specific transaction categories to track. The amount for the category is rolled up to the Excluded Hours field in Region, Practice, Group, Resource, and Projects. The default value is Excluded Hours. |
ExcludedHoursDisabled | Contains values for hierarchies that should not be tracked. |
ExpenseBudgetCategories | The specific transaction categories to track. The amount for the category is rolled up to the Expense Budget field in Region, Practice, Group, Resource, and Projects. The default value is Expense Budget. |
ExpenseBudgetDisabled | Contains values for hierarchies that should not be tracked. |
ExpenseCostsCategories | The specific transaction categories to track. The amount for the category is rolled up to the Expense Costs field in Region, Practice, Group, Resource, and Projects. The default value is Expense Cost. |
ExpenseCostsDisabled | Contains values for hierarchies that should not be tracked. |
ExternalCostsCategories | The specific transaction categories to track. The amount for the category is rolled up to the External Costs field in Region, Practice, Group, Resource, and Projects. The default value is External Costs. |
ExternalCostsDisabled | Contains values for hierarchies that should not be tracked. |
IgnoreCategories | Transaction categories that are not included in any of the other roll up categories but are used in the transaction log. This setting is only used when PSA is configured to use new transaction categories. |
InternalBudgetCategories | The specific transaction categories to track. The amount for the category is rolled up to the Internal Budget field in Region, Practice, Group, Resource, and Projects. The default value is Internal Budget. |
InternalBudgetDisabled | Contains values for hierarchies that should not be tracked. |
InternalCostsCategories | The specific transaction categories to track. The amount for the category is rolled up to the Internal Costs field in Region, Practice, Group, Resource, and Projects. The default value is Internal Cost. |
InternalCostsDisabled | Contains values for hierarchies that should not be tracked. |
InvoicedRevenueCategories | The specific transaction categories to track. The amount for the category is rolled up to the Internal Budget field in Region, Practice, Group, Resource, and Projects. The default value is Internal Budget. |
InvoicedRevenueDisabled | Contains values for hierarchies that should not be tracked. |
NonBillableExternalHoursCategories | The specific transaction categories to track. The amount for the category is rolled up to the Non-Billable Hours (External) field in Region, Practice, Group, Resource, and Projects. The default value is Non-Billable External Hours. |
NonBillableExternalHoursDisabled | Contains values for hierarchies that should not be tracked. |
NonBillableInternalHoursCategories | The specific transaction categories to track. The amount for the category is rolled up to the Non-Billable Hours (Internal) field in Region, Practice, Group, Resource, and Projects. The default value is Non-Billable Internal Hours. |
NonBillableInternalHoursDisabled | Contains values for hierarchies that should not be tracked. |
OtherCostsCategories | The specific transaction categories to track. The amount for the category is rolled up to the Other Costs field in Region, Practice, Group, Resource, and Projects. The default value is Other Cost. |
OtherCostsDisabled | Contains values for hierarchies that should not be tracked. |
PassThroughBillingsCategories | The specific transaction categories to track. The amount for the category is rolled up to the Pass-Through Billings field in Region, Practice, Group, Resource, and Projects. The default value is Pass-Through Ready-to-Bill Revenue. |
PassThroughBillingsDisabled | Contains values for hierarchies that should not be tracked. |
PreBilledCategories | The specific transaction categories to track. The amount for the category is rolled up to the Pre-Billed field in Region, Practice, Group, Resource, and Projects. The default value is Pre-Billed Revenue. |
PreBilledDisabled | Contains values for hierarchies that should not be tracked. |
RevenueCategories | The specific transaction categories to track. The amount for the category is rolled up to the Revenue field in Region, Practice, Group, Resource, and Projects. The default value is Revenue. |
RevenueDisabled | Contains values for hierarchies that should not be tracked. |
TimeRollUpsDisabled | List of entity names such as Region, Practice, Group, Project, or Resource for which time-based actuals are not calculated. Amounts in hours are not calculated. |
ValueRollUpsDisabled | List of entity names (Region, Practice, Group, Project, Resource) for which value-based actuals are not calculated. Amounts in a currency are not calculated. |
VerifierMaxScope | Query row limit for the Actuals Verifier. The default value is 10,000. You can enter a value up to 50,000. |
The Actuals Types configuration groupA collection of configuration options contained in the configuration groups tab that defines behaviour of a FinancialForce PSA object or feature. contains information on categories of actuals and how they are rolled up to resources, projects, regions, practices and groups.
Field | Description |
Resource/Region/Practice/Project/Group Current Type | Default time period for the Current Time Period on the Resource / Region / Practice / Project / Group. The value must exist in the Type list of the Time Period object. |
Resource/Region/Practice/Project/Group Roll Up Types | Time Periods to be automatically rolled up and available on the Resource / Region / Practice / Project / Group. This allows users to view results from various Time Periods on the native page for the Resource / Region / Practice / Project / Group. |