Project Phase Field Sets

Here are the field sets contained within the Project Phase object.

Field Set Description Used on Page Default Fields
Create Project From Template Alt Copy Project Phase Fields Allows you to define the Project Phase fields (if associated project phase records exist) that are copied from the project template to the new project. These fields do not display on the CreateProjectFromTemplate Visualforce page. N/A None. You can add additional fields that exist on the Project Phase object.
LinkAssignmentPhaseColumns Allows you to define the columns to appear on the Link Phase to Assignment page. Link Phase to Assignment Project Phase Name
Start Date
End Date
CreateProjFromTemplatePhaseColumns Allows you to define the columns that display information in the Project Phases section of the Create Project from Template page when creating a project from a template. Create Project from Template Project Phase Name
Start Date
End Date

Concept Information

Field Sets

Reference Materials

Assignment Field Sets

Contact Field Sets

Expense Field Sets

Expense Report Field Sets

Milestone Field Sets

Project Location Field Sets

Project Methodology Field Sets

Resource Request Field Sets

Task Time Field Sets

Timecard Field Sets

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