Classic Planner Settings

You can use these configuration groupA collection of configuration options contained in the configuration groups tab that defines behaviour of a FinancialForce PSA object or feature. settings to manage behavior of the classic Project and Resource Planner:

Planner - General

Field Description
add-holidays-on-assignment-adjust Indicates whether holiday schedule exceptions are added if the new date range falls within a holiday when dragging an assignment on the timeline.
collect-debug-output Indicates whether PSA collects debug output.
filter-assignments-default Indicates the default value for the filtering of assignments.
use-parents-label Indicates whether the planner uses the parent object's label. For instance, when this option is enabled, the pse__Opportunity_Owner__r.Name field displays the label Opportunity Owner instead of Opportunity Owner.Full Name.

Project/Resource Planner – General

These settings are in the Project Planner – General and Resource Planner – General configuration groups.

Field Description
allow-current-week-exceptions Indicates whether schedule exceptions are allowed for the current week.
assignment-load-future-days Number of days into the future to load assignments. For instance, a value of 30 loads assignments that start or end within 30 days of today.
assignment-load-past-days Number of days in the past to load assignments. For instance, a value of 30 loads assignments that start or end within 30 days of today.
assignment-sort-field Field on which to sort assignments on.
assignment-tooltip-fields API names of the fields to use as tooltips on assignments. You must specify the namespace where applicable.
default-calendar-id ID of the work calendar to use if a resource does not have one set.
display-group-search-field Indicates whether the group search field is to be displayed.
display-hours-decimal-precision-cutoff Number of hours below which, values are shown to the right of the decimal point. For instance, when the value is 10 any hour value between 0.00 and 9.99 is shown with two decimal places and any value greater than 10 is shown with no decimal point.
display-practice-search-field Indicates whether the practice search field is to be displayed.
display-region-search-field Indicates whether the region search field is to be displayed.
prohibit-past-schedule-dates Indicates whether schedule exceptions can be created in the past.
query-in-clause-size The max number of records to place in the SOQL query IN clause.
record-limit Number of records to load initially.
resource-request-tooltip-fields API names of the fields to use as tooltips on resource requests. You must specify the namespace where applicable.
retrieve-more-limit Number of additional records to load when a user clicks Retrieve More.
search-field-mapping The searchable fields mapped to a search plugin.
show-resource-requests-default Indicates the default value of the Show Resource Requests checkbox on the Options popup on the Resource and Project planners.
visible-future-days Initial number of days from today to display in the planner.

Project Planner - General

These settings are only contained within the Project Planner - General configuration group.

Field Description
grid-sort Field used to carry out an initial sort on the grid.
grid-tooltip-fields API names of the fields to use as tooltips on projects. You must specify the namespace where applicable.

Resource Planner – General

These settings are only contained within the Resource Planner - General configuration group.

Field Description
default-dimension-load-children Indicates whether assignments from children are loaded when the default region/practice/group is used.
use-utilization-target Indicates whether the Utilization Target field on a resource's contact record is used to determine the coloring for that resource on the Resource Planner.

Project/Resource Planner – Region/Practice/Group

These settings are contained within the Project/Resource Planner - Region/Practice/Group configuration groups.

Key: P – Only available in the Resource Planner - Region and Project Planner - Region configuration groups.

Field   Description
grid-fields   Project fields to display in the project grid for the region, practice or group view in the project planner.
referenced-objects   Fully-qualified object names for any objects referenced in the configuration values.
find-record-limit P Maximum number of records to return when searching in the planners. The default value is 200.
As a minimum, we recommend setting the value to the number of resources in your organization. If your organization contains more resources than the value you have specified, when users search on Skills and Certifications in the planners, the results may not reflect the resources in your organization.

Resource Planner - Region/Practice/Group

These settings are only contained within the Resource Planner - Region/Practice/Group configuration groups.

Field Description
additional-record-criteria Additional criteria to add to a where clause for resource retrieval.
grid-fields Project fields to display in the project grid for the region, practice or group view in the project planner.
grid-sort Field to use to carry out an initial sort of the grid.
grid-tooltip-fields Fields to use as the tooltips for the resources in the grid. Fully-qualified (with namespace if applicable). Case-sensitive field names are required.
referenced-objects Fully-qualified object names for any objects referenced in the configuration values.

Concept Information

Configuration Settings

Managing Configuration

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