Resource and Project Planners Settings and Preferences

General Settings

The functionality of the new Resource Planner and Project Planner is controlled using these fields in the Planners - Project and Planners - Resource custom settings.

Field Description
Add Holidays On Assignment Adjust Determines whether holiday schedule exception records are added if the new date range falls within a holiday when assignment dates are adjusted. Exception records are created on the schedule of the modified assignment. Holidays are defined on the work calendar of the assigned resource.
Assignment Ordering Defines the API name of a field to order assignments by and, optionally, the direction (enter ASC or DESC).
Columns Field Set Defines the API name of the field set, on the contact or project object respectively, that contains the columns to show on the Resource and Project Planners. The default values are Resource_Planner_Columns and Project_Planner_Columns respectively. Clear the value to disable the custom columns feature.
Default Future Days to Show Assignments Defines the number of future days, from today, to display assignments. For example, enter 30 to display assignments that start or end within 30 days of today.
Default Past Days to Show Assignments Defines the number of days prior to today to display assignments. For example, enter 30 to display assignments that start or end in the preceding 30 days.
Default Resource Image Defines a URL (absolute or relative) that points to the default image to use for resources without a profile photo. Image files of 22 pixels square work best.
Edit Requires Staffing Permission Determines whether or not your users will require a permission control, with the Staffing checkbox selected, before they can edit assignment schedules. You can create a permission control for the region, practice, group, project or resource that certain users need to modify.
Preload Limit This setting defines the maximum number of resources or projects that load in the background when viewing large numbers of records. Entering a higher value results in fewer loading interruptions, but uses more memory.
Record Load Limit Specifies the number of resources or projects that display per request to the server.
You should not adjust the Record Load Limit without first consulting Customer Support.
Resource Request Ordering Defines the API name of a field to order held resource requests by and, optionally, the direction (enter ASC or DESC).
Restrict Editing Past Dates If selected, you cannot edit Project Planner assignment and schedule hours set in the past. Default value is checked.
Save Column Preferences Determines whether customizations to the width, order and visibility of columns will be remembered for every user the next time they use the Resource or Project Planner.

This setting is dependent on a field set being defined on the (preceding) Columns Field Set setting.
Use New Project Planner Determines whether the enhanced or classic edition of the Project Planner opens by default across your organization.
Use New Resource Planner Determines whether the enhanced or classic edition of the Resource Planner opens by default across your organization.
Assignment Tooltip Field Set Define the API names of field sets containing tooltip fields. The field sets must exist on their respective objects.
Resource Request Tooltip Field Set
Resource Tooltip Field Set
Project Tooltip Field Set


Preferences, including the default zoom level, are controlled using these fields in the Planners Preferences - Project and Planners Preferences - Resource custom settings.

Field Description
Display Decimal Precision Cutoff The maximum number of hours on which to display decimal places on the project or resource planner. The default value is 100.
Zoom Level The default timeline zoom level that applies when you view the Resource Planner or Project Planner. Enter a value of quarter, month, week, or day.

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