Planner Fields

This section describes the fields and buttons that appear on the Project and Resource Planners.

Field Description
Filter Allows you to narrow the projects displayed in the planner by their name. The projects or resources are narrowed as you type.


Button Description
Expands all the projects or resources listed.
Collapses all the projects or resources listed.
Zooms in the timeline.
Zooms out the timeline.
Zooms the timeline to fit the display area.
Displays assignment and scheduled hours for the selected project or resource.
Displays a pop-up search window where you can search for projects or resources based on specific values in their fields.
Holds or releases the selected resource. When you hold a resource, a schedule is created, the resource is in the held state and no assignment is created.
If the project is selected, opens it in the Project tab. If the resource is selected, opens it on the Contacts tab. If the assignment is selected, opens it on the Assignments tab.
On the Project planner, displays the Assignment tab in a separate window with the selected project so that you can assign resources to it. On the Resource Planner, displays the Mass Assign Projects to Resource page where you can assign more than project to a resource.
Reloads the resource assignment schedules.
Displays the Options popup window where you can select a date range to display on the timeline, include Assignments in filter criteria and show resource requests.
Sorts a the list ascending order based on the column. When not hovering over the icon, this indicates that the list is sorted in ascending order based on the column.
Sorts a the list descending order based on the column. When not hovering over the icon, this indicates that the list is sorted in descending order based on the column.
Indicates whether the list is sorted on this column first before any other. You can click the main area in a column heading to set it as the primary column to sort the list on.
When you hover over this number, allows you to set the secondary column to sort on. When not hovering over the number, indicates that the list is sorted on one other column before it is sorted on this one.
When you hover over this number, allows you to set the tertiary column to sort on. When not hovering over the number, indicates that the list is sorted on two other columns before it is sorted on this one.

Timeline Cursor Icons

These icons appear when you place the cursor over specific places on an assignment.

Icon Description
Appears when you place the cursor at the start or end of an assignment block. This indicates that the start or end date of the assignment will move when you click and drag the cursor.
Appears when you place the cursor in the middle of an assignment block. This indicates that the entire assignment block including the start and end dates will move when you click and drag the cursor.

Options Popup Window Fields

Field Description
Start Date The first date in the date range to be displayed on the Project or Resource Planner.
End Date The last date in the date range to be displayed on the Project or Resource Planner.
Filter Assignments Indicates whether the Filter box also applies to Assignments. 
Show Resource Requests Indicates whether resource requests are shown on the Project or Resource Planner.

Assignment Detail Fields

Fields Description
Date Cells The scheduled hours that the resource is to spend on the assignment. You can change the value in each cell to specify a specific number of hours for a particular day. This overrides the amount set in the Scheduled Hours Per Day field.
Start Date The start date for the assignment.
End Date The end date for the assignment.
Scheduled Hours Per Day The scheduled hours that the resource is to spend on the assignment each day.
Total Scheduled Hours Before Changes The total hours for the assignment before changes to the Date cells.
Total Hours after Scheduled Changes Total hours for the assignment after changes to the Date cells.
Assignment Daily Notes Displays daily notes added using the Add Note button.

Assignment Detail Buttons

Button Description
Previous Week Display the previous week on the timeline.
Next Week Display the next week on the timeline.
Update Schedule Updates the Date cells on the assignment timeline with the hours in the Scheduled Hours per Day.
Add Note Displays the Add Note pop-up where you can enter notes for a particular day. The notes are displayed in the Assignment Daily Notes field.
Save Save the changes made to the assignment and close the assignment detail page.

Project Planner Search Popup Fields

Different fields appear depending on the project field you select.

Field Description
Billable checkbox Indicates whether the search results are to only include billable projects. Appears when you select the Billable project field search line.
Name The name of the item that you want to search for. This appears when you select Region, Practice or Group from the project field search line. Click + next to the field if you want to search for more than one name on that project field.
Include Sub-Levels Indicates whether the search results are to include sub-levels for the Region, Practice or Group.
Location list A list of locations that you can search for on the Project Location field.
Project Name An additional drop-down list and a text box appear when you select Project Name. You can enter text to search for in the Project Name field and then specify whether you want to search for an exact match, project names that begin with the text that you entered, or project names that start with the text you entered.
Project Status list A list of project statuses that you can search for on the Project Status field.

Resource Planner Search Popup Fields

Different fields appear depending on the resource field you select.

Field Description
External Resource Indicates whether the search results are external resources
First Name An additional drop-down list and a text box appear when you select First Name, Last Name, Mailing City, Mailing Country or Mailing State/Province. You can enter text to search for in the field and then specify whether you want to search for an exact match, items that begin with the text that you entered, or items that start with the text you entered.
Last Name
Mailing City
Mailing Country
Mailing State/Province
Group A Name field, + button and an Include Sub-levels checkbox appears when you select Region Practice or Group. You can search for resources that belong to a particular region, practice or group. Select the Include Sub-levels checkbox to search within sub-levels of a region, practice or group. Click + to add an additional region, practice or group to search within.
Resource Role A list of resource roles that you can search for.
Skill / Certification Displays options where you can search for resources with a Skill / Certification and the skill level for that skill. You can search for more than one skill by clicking +. If you specify more than one Skill / Certification, you can choose whether to return resources that have all the Skill / Certifications or any of them.

Search Popup Buttons

Button Description
+ The button on the field line this adds another field line that you can choose a field to search on. The button next to the Name field adds the text in the name box to the field search criteria and clears the box to allow you to enter another name to search on within that field.
- Removes the field search line.
Clear Clears all search criteria in the Search popup.
Search Executes the search using the criteria in the Search popup.

Concept Information

Using the Timeline

Project Planner

Using the Project Planner

Resource Planner

Using the Resource Planner

Related Tasks

Changing an Assignment Using the Timeline

Zooming the Timeline

Scrolling the Timeline

Sorting on Column Headings

Searching in the Project Planner

Assigning a Resource on the Project Planner

Changing the Displayed Time Period

Searching in the Resource Planner

Assigning a Resource to Projects on the Resource Planner

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