Daily hours for the task Removes the project task from the timecard row Allows you to add add tasks to enter time against Total hours for the task Fields displayed depend on the Task Time field sets Check to restrict the list to tasks based on milestones Select to filter the list to your assigned tasks Check to select all or deselect all Fields displayed depend on the Task Time field sets Check to select Timecard hours. Behavior of fields depends on the configuration that your administrator has set. Total project task hours for the timecard day Total hours for the timecard row Click to select associated project tasks to enter time against. Click when done with the Edit Details tab Displays the notes tab where you can enter further details for the timecard such as daily notes and locations Removes the project task from the timecard row Allows you to add add tasks to enter time against Removes the project task from the timecard row Removes the project task from the timecard row Daily hours for the task Daily hours for the task Total hours for the task Total hours for the task Displays the notes tab where you can enter further details for the timecard such as daily notes and locations Closes the Tasks and Notes tabs Total project task hours for the timecard day Total project task hours for the timecard row Fields displayed depend on the Task Time field sets Timecard hours. Behavior of fields depends on the configuration that your administrator has set. Allows you to enter time against your project tasks Total hours for the timecard row

About Time Against Project Tasks

If your administrator has configured PSA to do so, you can enter time against project tasks while entering a timecard.

You enter time against project tasks on the Timecard Entry (log a timecard with task time) page, accessed via the Log a Timecard with Task Time sidebar link.

You enter time against a project task on the Tasks tab that appears when you click View/Edit Details on a timecard line.

Hover over an area for information about what it does. For further information, click the field, button or tab that you want information about.

Click the Select Tasks link to select tasks to enter time against. The Select Project Tasks popup offers a list of associated tasks.

Check the task or tasks to enter time against and click Save. The selected tasks display in the Edit Details tab for you to enter time against.

When you enter time against a task, the Time Entry page behaves in one of the following ways depending on the entry mode your administrator has chosen.

Entry Mode Description
Adjust up When you enter time against project tasks, if the sum of the hours for project tasks on a timecard day is greater than the timecard hours on that day, the timecard hours for that day are set to the sum of the project task hours on that day. If you remove the project task or reduce the hours on a project task, the timecard hours do not change. For instance, if you enter a timecard with two hours for Monday and then enter four hours against a project task for Monday, the timecard hours for Monday change to four. If you then remove the project task, the timecard hours for Monday remain at four.
Calculated Changing the timecard hours has no effect on the project task hours. The timecard hours for a day are always set to the sum of the task hours for that day. When in this mode you can override the calculated timecard hours for each day.
Current This is the default time entry mode. In this mode the Tasks tab is not displayed and time is entered in the normal way on the Time Entry page. You cannot enter time against a project task while in this mode.
Freeform When you enter time against a task, this has no effect on the timecard hours and changing the timecard hours has no effect on the project task hours. Project task and day totals are shown.
Your administrator should deselect the "Hide View Edit Details Link" setting if you will be entering time against project tasks in your organization.
When in Adjust up, Calculated or Freeform modes, you can enter time against project tasks after the timecard has been submitted for approval, but these changes have no effect on the timecard.


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