Missing Timecard Generation Settings

You can include or exclude resources from missing timecardA record that indicates a resource has not entered a timecard. Missing timecards are calculated based on criteria defined by your administrator. calculation based on assignments. The settings that control this are contained within the Missing Timecards custom setting.

Field Description
Check Assignments for internal Resource Indicates whether missing timecard calculations only include internal resources when they have at least one assignment open for time entry in the week. Also indicates whether missing timecard calculations exclude closed projects.When false, missing timecards can be generated for internal resources without an assignment. If the resource is an external resource, they are only included in missing timecard generation when they have at least one assignmentConnection between a resource and a project. open for time entry in the week.
Ignore Closed Assignments Indicates whether missing timecard calculations exclude assignments and projects closed for time entry.
Use Resource Work Calendar Week Start Indicates whether the resource's work calendar is used to determine the day a week starts on when generating missing timecards. If the resource has no work calendar, the work calendar of the region, practice or group is used depending on how the job is run.When true and missing timecards are generated in modes generate, scheduled last week, scheduled this week, PSA assumes it is given a date that is the week end date. In generate mode this is the date chosen by the user who is generating missing timecards. In scheduled mode, this is the date on which missing timecard generation is scheduled to run. In addition, when true, these dates are used to select dates that cover all possible weeks determined by the week start and end dates for each resource.

Concept Information

Configuration Settings

Managing Configuration

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