Utilization Settings

Utilization functionality is controlled using these fields in the Utilization custom settings.

Key: CP - select to enable capacity planning by role when calculating scheduled utilization.

Setting   Description
Calculate Cross Products   Indicates whether utilization can be calculated using a combination of regionA level of hierarchy used in PSA to which other objects belong such as resources, opportunities and projects. practiceA level of hierarchy used in PSA to which other objects belong such as resources, opportunities and projects. and groupA level of hierarchy used in PSA to which other objects belong such as resources, opportunities and projects. such as region by practice or group by region. For instance, you can select this option if you want to calculate utilization for the US region for the Salesforce practice.
Calculate Held Resource Request Time CP Indicates whether utilization will be calculated on the amount of scheduled time for held (unassigned) resource requests.
Calculate Summary By Role CP Indicates whether or not PSA creates utilization summary records (used for capacity planning) when calculating scheduled utilization.
Select Calculate Summary By Role if you want PSA to calculate, over a future period, capacity demand for individual resource roles.
Calculate Unheld Resource Request Time CP Indicates whether utilization will be calculated on the number of requested hours for unheld resource requests.
Select Calculate Unheld Resource Request Time if you want PSA to calculate, over a future period, capacity demand for individual resource roles.
Default Opportunity Probability   If resource requests, on the RPGAbbreviation of region, practice, group. or resource for which utilization will be calculated, are not linked to an Opportunity record, determines a default percentage value for the probability of closing the Opportunity. This value is used to calculate the weighted hours fields on utilization summary records. The default value is blank.
Minimum Opportunity Probability   Indicates a minimum percentage value below which the Probability (%) field on the associated Opportunity will not be considered when calculating utilization summary records.
Resource Batch Size   The number of resources to be processed in a single batch when a user calculates utilization for a resourceA contact that works on a project.. The default value is 100.
Resource Request Batch Size   Determines how many unheld resource requests to process at once.
Target Utilization Approach   Controls the way in which FinancialForce Professional Services Automation calculates the target hours for a resource. Set the value to one of the following:
  • LAST – only the utilization target at the end date of any time period is used for the utilization detail result for that period, multiplying it with the calendar hours.
  • WEIGHTED – (default) between each resource change, the effective target utilization for each segment between resource change is multiplied with the calendar hours for that segment, and the resulting subtotals from each segment are summed (across both Historical and Scheduled periods) to arrive at Utilization Target Hours.
Timecard Statuses   A comma delimited list of timecard status values that are used to determine which timecards to use in utilization calculations. The defaults are Submitted,Approved
Uncheck Master Based On Time/Parent   Indicates whether the Is Report Master checkbox is deselected based on the time periodA period of time with a start date and an end date to which forecasts, actuals calculations, billing event batches, utilization calculations and region plans belong. and parent object or based on the Utilization Calculation Name. The Is Report Master checkbox indicates whether a utilization calculation record is the master calculation for the combination of Region/Practice/Group/Resource and Time Period.

These options in the Utilization configuration groupA collection of configuration options contained in the configuration groups tab that defines behaviour of a FinancialForce PSA object or feature. also control Utilization functionality.

Setting Description
subtract-holidays-from-total-hours Indicates whether total time period hours have work calendarA calendar that defines the working days, hours and public holidays for a resource, region, practice or group. holiday hours subtracted for Utilization calculations.
use-resource-start-date Indicates whether a resource's first day of employment limits the total hour calculation for the time period.
use-resource-last-date Indicates whether a resource's last day of employment limits the total hour calculation for the time period.

Backward Compatibility Considerations and Configuration Settings

You can use the classic Utilization calculation if your organization desires a transition period before using the latest calculation method. We recommend using the latest Utilization functionality, as soon as possible.

If your organization chooses not to use the latest Utilization functionality, you can add the Update Utilization (old) buttons to the Region, Practice, Group and Resource page layouts. Change these configuration options to use the older utilization calculation:

Configuration Option Description
use-old-utilization-calc Indicates whether to use the old utilization calculation method. When set to true, the utilization values from the Region, Practice, Group or Resource Actuals record for the appropriate Current Time Period are copied up to the header level of the Region, Practice, Group or Resource, after the calculation is complete.
Switching back and forth between new and old Utilization calculation functionality is not supported. Change this setting from False to True once.
old-ute-filter-on-is-resource-flag Indicates whether the utilization calculation only uses contact records with the Is Resource checkbox selected.

Concept Information

Configuration Settings

Managing Configuration

Utilization Calculations

About Utilization Calculations

About Utilization Formulae

Related Tasks

Calculating Utilization

Setting up Utilization

Recalculating Utilization

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