Vendor Invoice Fields

Here is a description of the fields on the Vendor Invoice object.

Key: * – Mandatory field; R – Read-only.

Field     Description
Account *   The account to which the invoice relates.
Account Currency     Currency of the account to which the vendor invoice relates.
Action: Recalc Vendor Currency Amount     Indicates whether the Vendor Currency Amount Number fields on all child vendor invoice items are to be recalculated when you save changes to the Vendor Invoice. This has the effect of updating the Vendor Currency Total field.
Approved for Payment     Indicates whether the vendor invoice is approved for payment.
Date     Invoice Date
Description     Description of the invoice
First Item Date     Earliest vendor invoice item date.
Invoice Number     Unique ID of the vendor invoice.
Last Item Date     Latest vendor invoice item date.
Name   R Unique name of the invoice.
Override Vendor Invoice Exchange Rate     Indicates whether all child vendor invoice items use the exchange rate in the Vendor Invoice Exchange Rate Override field.
Owner   R Invoice Owner
PO/WO Number     Field that you can use as a purchase order or work order ID when integrating PSA with an accounting system such as FinancialForce Accounting.
SFDC VAT#     This field is not currently used.
Status     The status of the vendor invoice.
Submitted     Indicates whether the invoice has been submitted for approval.
Target Payment Date *   Target date for payment of the vendor invoice.
Total     Sum of all the vendor invoice items
Vendor Currency     The currency of the vendor to which the invoice relates.
Vendor Currency Total     The Vendor Currency and Vendor Currency Total Number fields combined.
Vendor Currency Total Number     Sum of the child vendor invoice items in the Vendor Currency.
Vendor Invoice Exchange Rate Override     The exchange rate to be applied to all child vendor invoice items when Apply Vendor Invoice Exchange Rate Override is checked.
This is a relative rate between the Vendor Currency and the Project Currency. For instance:
  • Corporate Currency is USD (rate = 1.0)
  • Project Currency is EUR (org defined rate = 0.8 EUR/USD)
  • Vendor Currency is GBP (org defined rate = 0.6 GBP/USD)
The resulting Vendor Exchange Rate is 0.75, which is calculated using this formula:Vendor Currency / Project Currency
If you set this field to 0.7, the project rate (EUR to USD) is kept constant at 0.8 and the Vendor Rate (GBP to USD) rate is calculated so that VR/0.8 = 0.7, which results in VR = 0.56
Vendor VAT#     This field is not currently used.

Vendor Invoice Items

Field     Description
Account Currency     The currency of the selected accountAccounts in the context of FinancialForce PSA are the same as accounts in Salesforce. Users can create and view certain FinancialForce PSA data related to the account on the related lists..
Action: Recalc Vendor Currency Amount:     Indicates whether the Vendor Currency Amount Number fields on all child vendor invoice items are to be recalculated when you save changes to the Vendor Invoice. This has the effect of updating the Vendor Currency Total field.
Amount     Amount to invoice for the vendor invoice item. This field is automatically populated from the related record:
  • Reimbursement Amount field on an expense
  • Milestone Cost field on a milestone
  • Amount on a miscellaneous adjustment
  • Total Cost field on a timecard split.
This field does not automatically update when the fields on a related record change.
Budget Header *   Lookup to the budget header to which the vendor invoice item applies.
If the validation rule is active, you can only apply vendor invoice items to a budget header where that budget header is of the type Vendor Purchase Order or Vendor Purchase Order Change Order.
Date     Date of the invoice item. The value is automatically populated from the related record:
Description     Description of the vendor invoice item.
Expense     Lookup to the expense to which the vendor invoice item relates.
Item Exchange Rate Override     The exchange rate to be applied to the vendor invoice item when the Apply Item Exchange Rate Override checkbox is selected. For instance:
  • Corporate Currency is USD (rate = 1.0)
  • Project Currency is EUR (org defined rate = 0.8 EUR/USD)
  • Vendor Currency is GBP (org defined rate = 0.6 GBP/USD)
The resulting Vendor Exchange Rate is 0.75, which is calculated using this formula:Vendor Currency / Project Currency
If you set this field to 0.7, the project rate (EUR to USD) is kept constant at 0.8 and the Vendor Rate (GBP to USD) rate is calculated so that VR/0.8 = 0.7, which results in VR = 0.56
Milestone     Lookup to the milestoneA fixed target, which when achieved, can be billed to the customer for a fixed fee or by logging time against it. to which the vendor invoice item relates.
Miscellaneous Adjustment     Lookup to the miscellaneous adjustmentA catch-all business record that allows you to correct data entry errors or adjust transactions. to which the vendor invoice item relates.
Override Item Exchange Rate     Indicates whether to apply the Item Exchange Rate Override to the item. You can only select this checkbox when the Apply Vendor Exchange Rate Override checkbox on the parent invoice is not selected.
Project     The project to which the vendor invoice item relates.
Project Currency Exchange Rate   R Exchange rate for the project currency relative to the corporate currency. The value in the field is automatically set by PSA.
Timecard     Lookup to the timecard splitA whole timecard or part of a timecard. to which the vendor invoice item relates.
Unit Price      
Name     Unique ID of the vendor invoice item.
Vendor Currency     The currency that the vendor is to be paid in regardless of the invoice currency.
Vendor Currency Amount     The Vendor Currency Amount Number and Vendor Currency fields combined.
Vendor Currency Amount Number     Amount to invoice for in the vendor invoice item in the Vendor Currency.
Vendor Currency Exchange Rate   R Vendor Currency Exchange Rate used to convert Amount to Vendor currency. Populated with one of the following based on the rate that is actually used:
  • Project Currency Rate
  • Vendor Invoice Item override rate
  • parent Vendor Invoice override rate
Vendor Invoice ER Override Applied   R Indicates whether Override Vendor Invoice Exchange Rate checkbox on the parent invoice is selected. When this field shows Yes, you cannot use the Override Item Exchange Rate checkbox.

Concept Information

Vendor Invoices

About Vendor Invoices

What can I do with Vendor Invoicing?

Related Tasks

Creating and Submitting an Invoice

About Vendor Budgets

Editing Budget Headers

Setting up Vendor Accounts, Partner Users and Resources

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