App Log Fields

Here is a description of the fields on the App Logs object.

Field   Description
Category   Category of the log entry. This value is the batch process ID that matches the Apex job ID found in the Apex Jobs Salesforce screen.
Data   Application data related to the log entry, such as the record ID.
Data2   Additional application data related to the log entry. If there is an error, this is usually the actual error message.
Level   Type of log entry. Where:
  • 1 = Fatal
  • 2 = Error
  • 3 = Warning
  • 4 = Information
  • 5 = Debug
  • 6 = Trace.
Message   The message that displays to the user. If there is an error, this is the actual error message.
Origin   The application that created the log entry.

Related Concepts

App Log

Related Tasks

Clearing the App Log

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