Billing Settings

Use these settings in the Billing configuration groupA collection of configuration options contained in the configuration groups tab that defines behavior of a FinancialForce PSA object or feature. to control billing events.

Key: O = Obsolete.

Setting   Description

Default Value

adhocDisplayBudget   The fieldset in the Budget object that determines the fields to appear in the Budgets section of the Project Billing and Account Billing pages.  
adhocDisplayExpense   The fieldset in the Expense object that determines the fields to appear in the Expenses section of the Project Billing and Account Billing pages.  
adhocDisplayMilestone   The fieldset in the Milestone object that determines the fields to appear in the Milestones section of the Project Billing and Account Billing pages.  
adhocDisplayMiscAdj   The fieldset in the Miscellaneous Adjustment object that determines the fields to appear in the Miscellaneous Adjustments section of the Project Billing and Account Billing pages.  
adhocDisplayTimecard   A custom fieldset in the Timecard Split object that determines the fields that display as columns in the Timecard section of the Project Billing page.  
adhocFilterBudget   Indicates whether the Budgets checkbox appears as one of the filters in the Filter section of the Billing Eligible Items related list on the Project Billing and Account Billing pages.  
adhocFilterExpense   Indicates whether the Expenses checkbox appears as one of the filters in the Filter section of the Billing Eligible Items related list on the Project Billing and Account Billing pages.  
adhocFilterMilestone   Indicates whether the Milestones checkbox appears as one of the filters in the Filter section of the Billing Eligible Items related list on the Project Billing and Account Billing pages.  
adhocFilterMiscAdj   Indicates whether the Miscellaneous Adjustments checkbox appears as one of the filters in the Filter section of the Billing Eligible Items related list on the Project Billing and Account Billing pages.  
adhocFilterTimecard   A custom fieldset in the Timecard Split Object. Determines the fields that display in an Advanced Filters section of the Project Billing page.  
appendGeneratedItems   Indicates whether billing events and batches are to be kept open when an existing one matches the account, project or currency. When this setting is set to true, new billing items are appended to the existing billing event or batch. You can use this setting in conjunction with ignoreTimePeriodWhenAppendingItems.
Note: Note
This configuration option has no effect on the Project Billing or Account Billing pages.
approvalsEnabled   Indicates whether the Approved for Billing checkbox must be selected
on the related business record for it to be eligible for billing event generation.

Name of field set on Billing_Event__c defining columns to display on the Billing Event Generation page.

Note: Note Notepad
If you use a custom field set to modify part of the Billing Event Generation page, include all fields you want to display. Any specified custom field set overrides default fields that display.

Name of field set on Billing_Event_Batch__c defining columns to display on the Billing Event Generation page.

Note: Note Notepad
If you use a custom field set to modify part of the Billing Event Generation page, include all fields you want to display. Any specified custom field set overrides default fields that display.

Name of field set on Billing_Event_Item__c defining columns to display on the Billing Event Generation page.

Note: Note Notepad
If you use a custom field set to modify part of the Billing Event Generation page, include all fields you want to display. Any specified custom field set overrides default fields that display.
billingInterfaceClear   Name of the class that PSA is to use for the clear process. You can use this option to customize the billing clear process in PSA. See Customizing Billing Processes.  
billingInterfaceGenerate   Name of the class that PSA is to use for the generate process. You can use this option to customize the billing generate process in PSA. See Customizing Billing Processes.  
billingInterfaceInvoice   Name of the class that PSA is to use for the invoice process. You can use this option to customize the billing invoice process in PSA. See Customizing Billing Processes.  
billingInterfaceNamespace   Name of the namespace prefix of the custom classes that implement the various billing interfaces. You can use this option to customize the billing invoice process in PSA. See Customizing Billing Processes.  
billingInterfaceRecalc   Name of the class that PSA is to use for the recalc process. You can use this option to customize the billing recalc process in PSA. See Customizing Billing Processes.  
billingInterfaceRelease   Name of the class that PSA is to use for the release process. You can use this option to customize the billing release process in PSA. See Customizing Billing Processes.  
billingInterfaceRemove   Name of the class that PSA is to use for the remove process. You can use this option to customize the billing remove process in PSA. See Customizing Billing Processes.  
  Format of the billing event description field for budget records, where 0 is the description.  
business-record-bei-locking   Indicates whether a billing event item is prevented from being deleted once a business record references it even when it is not yet billed or invoiced  
clearBatchSize   Number of records to process in a single batch when clearing billing data. 200
confirm-billing-generation   Indicates whether a confirmation popup is displayed when a user clicks Generate on the Billing Event Generation tab.  
defaultAsync   Indicates whether PSA processes some billing trigger functionality asynchronously.  
Delete_Zero_Amount_Batches   Indicates whether Billing Event Batches with only one billing event are deleted when that billing event is deleted, or if PSA is configured to do so, indicates whether the batch is deleted when the remaining billing events contain zero amounts.  
deleteBatchSize   Number of records to delete in each batch delete execution. Change this value if you experience Salesforce governor limits.  
DEPRECATED: projectBillingUIMaxRows O This setting is deprecated and is no longer used. The maximum number of items to be displayed on the Account Billing and Project Billing pages.  
disallow-invoicing-of-unreleased-bes   Indicates whether users can select the Invoiced checkbox on a Billing Event if the Released checkbox is not selected.  
expenseDescriptionFormat   Determines the format of the billing event item description field on expense records. {0} is the resource name and {1} is the expense date. For instance, you can specify a value of {0} on {1}, which results in something like: Orient_Contact on 02/02/2012.  
generateBatchSize   The number of records to process each time a billing event batch is generated. Change this value if you experience Salesforce governor limits.  
generateBillingForCompletedTimePeriodsOnly   When useFlexiblePeriodMode is true, indicates whether billing is generated for items that fall only within time periods that are complete on or before the specified cut-off date. For instance, if the cut-off date is April 29 and the time period type is Month, billing is generated for items that fall on or before March 31. Items dated April 1 or later are not included because the time period April is not complete on April 29. false

[be = billing event]
  If set to True, all projects that are subordinate to a master project are grouped together on one billing event, which references the record ID of the master project. This setting works for all billing methods.  
  Indicates whether PSA appends to the existing billing event batch for the current time period when the appendGeneratedItems setting is set to true.
Note: Note
This configuration option has no effect on the Project Billing or Account Billing pages.
includeBudgets   Indicates whether budgets are included when billing events are generated.  
includeExpenses   Indicates whether expenses are included when billing events are generated.  
includeMilestones   Indicates whether milestones are included when billing events are generated.  
  Indicates whether miscellaneous adjustments are included when billing events are generated.  
includeTimecards   Indicates whether timecards are included when billing events are generated.  
invoiceBatchSize   Number of records to process in a single batch when using the Invoice button on the Billing Events list view and detail page. 200
Max_Zero_Amount_Batches_To_Delete   The maximum number of zero amount billing event batches to automatically delete. This setting is used when Delete_Zero_Amount_Batches is set to true. Change this value if you encounter Salesforce governor limits.  
Max_Zero_Amount_Events_To_Delete Config   The maximum number of zero amount billing events to automatically delete. Change this value if you encounter Salesforce governor limits.  


[BEIs = billing event items]
[BE = billing event]

  The number of billing event items that can be added to a billing event is unlimited.

Set to greater than zero (integers only) to cap the number of billing event items that can be added to a billing event. When the cap is reached, a new billing event is created with a sequential record ID.
Note: Note
If you are using the SRP integration package, you must ensure that maximum number of billing event items for a released billing event is no more than 80. You must do this using the Max BEIs Per BE field in the SRP Integration Settings custom setting. See the SRP documentation for further information.
maxNumberOfDaysPriorToQuery   Use to limit the set of records included when generating billing events on the Billing Event Generation tab. When scheduling a billing event, and including prior periods, this configuration option defines the number of days prior to the selected period over which to generate billing events for billing event items.
Note: Note
If you use this configuration option, the transactions included in the SOQL query as a result may total less than 10% of all transactions in the system: this is below the system-defined selectivity threshold and therefore the SOQL query becomes selective. A selective SOQL query may, in fact, be necessary if the number of transactions on the system exceeds 100,000 records.

For more information, see Knowledge Article 000006007 in the Salesforce Help.
milestoneDescriptionFormat   Format of the billing event description field for milestone records. Specifying a value of {0} includes the date in the field.  
miscellaneous adjustment categories   If includeMiscellaneousAdjustments is selected, only adjustments with categories in this list are included when billing events are generated.  
miscellaneousAdjustmentDescriptionFormat   Format of the Billing Event Description field on miscellaneous adjustment records. If you specify a value of {0} the description is displayed.  
nextInvoiceNumber   Optional configuration that you can use to determine the initial invoice number when billingInterfaceInvoice or billingInterfaceInvoice contains the name of an alternative class to customize the invoice process with. Customizing Billing Processes. 10000
no-deletion-of-BEBs-with-released-or-invoiced-BEs   Indicates whether users can delete billing event batches that have one or more child billing events, which are invoiced or released. true
numTimePeriodsToSelect   Number of time periods to be displayed in the Time Period drop-down list on the Billing Event Generation page. 10
pageSize   The maximum number of items to be displayed on the Billing Event Generation page before starting a new page. A maximum of 100 items can display per page, per tab. We recommend you do not change the default value to avoid any volume errors when billing events are generated using the "Release" feature on the page this setting applies to. Set this value to lower than the default if issues persist. 10
projectBillingUIResultsPerTab   The maximum number of items to display per page in each Project Billing record tab. A maximum of 100 items can display per page, per tab. We recommend you do not change the default value to avoid any volume errors when billing events are generated using the "Release" feature on the page this setting applies to. Set this value to lower than the default if issues persist. 10
recalcBatchSize   Number of records to process in each batch when recalculating billing events.  
releaseBatchSize   Number of records to process when a user selects.  
separateBudgets   Indicates whether budgets are generated in a separate billing event.  
separateExpenses   Indicates whether expenses are generated in a separate billing event.  
separateExpensesByTypes   Expense types to create separate billing events for. Add a configuration value record for each separate billing event that is to be created. Each value must contain a comma separate list containing the expense types to include in the billing event. Expense types that are not listed in a configuration value are included on an ordinary billing event. When you enter a value for this configuration option, you must enter a Sort Order to differentiate between billing event buckets.
Note: Note
This feature is not supported when generating billing events from the Project Detail or Account Detail pages.
separateMilestones   Indicates whether milestones are generated in a separate billing event.  
  Indicates whether miscellaneous adjustments are generated in a separate billing event.  
separateTimecards   Indicates whether timecards are generated in a separate billing event.  
timecardDescriptionFormat   Format of the billing event description field for timecard records. {0} is the resource name, {1} is the start date and {2} is the end date. For instance, you can specify a value of :
{0} between {1} and {2} for {3} total hours/days.
timePeriodType   The organization hierarchy to use when generating billing events.  
unitType   Defines the type of organizational hierarchy to use when generating billing events on the Billing Event Generation tab. Region
unitTypeSubfilters   Indicates whether additional filtering is applied to the selected unitType when generating billing events in a billing event batch. When the value is set to true, Practice and Group drop-down lists appear in the Generate Billing Events section of the Billing Events page.  
useFlexiblePeriodMode   Indicates whether billing events are generated in flexible time period mode. When in this mode, you select a cut-off date instead of a time period on which to base billing events. Items are included when they belong to the appropriate time period type and their date falls on or before the cut-off date. For instance, if the cut-off date is April 15 and the time period type is Month, billing is generated for items that fall on or before April 15.
When this configuration option is true and generateBillingForCompletedTimePeriodsOnly is also true, items are included when they belong to the appropriate time period type and their date falls only within a time period that finishes on or before the cut-off date. For instance, if the cut-off date is April 29 and the time period type is Month, billing is generated for items that fall on or before March 31. Items dated April 1 or later are not included because the time period April is not complete on April 29.

Custom Fieldset Limitations for Account Billing and Project Billing

For the Account Billing and Project Billing functionality, you can use custom field sets to customize the fields that display for each of the relevant business records:  Timecards, Expense Reports, Milestones, Miscellaneous Adjustments, and Budgets.  

For each of these business records, there are fields that always appear by default and so should not be included in any custom field set that you create:

Fields Business Record
Expense Reports
Miscellaneous Adjustments

If these fields are added to the custom field sets, the following error will display:

"duplicate field selected : <field name>"

Related Concepts

Configuration Settings

Managing Configuration

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