Column Preferences Fields

The Column Preferences object contains information about user column preferences for the Project Task Gantt, Resource and Project Planners, and Time Entry UIs in PSA.

Key: * – Mandatory field.

Field   Description

Defines the feature for the preferences. Values are:

0 - Project Planner

1 - Resource Planner

2 - Project Task Gantt

3 - Timecards

4 - Timecard Approval

Field   Contains one or more API names for the fields, including cross-object fields, this column is based on. This is a system-generated field. Do not edit this field manually.
Order   The order, from left to right, the column displays in the UI for the indicated feature.
User   The user to whom the preferences are assigned.
Value   The saved value of the respective field.
Visible   When true, the column is visible on the UI for the user.
Width   The width of the column, in pixels.

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