Business Record Settings

By default users are prevented from deleting assignments, milestones and projects with child records. If your organization has a requirement to allow users to delete assignments, milestones and projects with child records, you can do so by changing the configuration options in the ASM TriggersAutomated Services Manager Triggers. ASM triggers execute certain behavior in PSA. ASM triggers are controlled by the fields in the Triggers custom setting and the configuration options in the ASM configuration group. configuration groupA collection of configuration options contained in the configuration groups tab that defines behavior of a FinancialForce PSA object or feature..

Warning: Warning
We strongly recommend you do not change the default value.
Field Description
Indicates whether users are allowed to delete milestones with child timecards or expenses.
Indicates whether users are allowed to delete projects that have child business records such as timecards, timecard splits, expense reports, expenses, budgets, budget headers, milestones and miscellaneous adjustments.

Related Concepts

Managing Business Records

Configuration Settings

Managing Configuration

Related Tasks

Customizing Billing Event Items

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