Adding and Removing Daily Notes

You can view or add daily notes, remove existing notes, and save any changes you've made.

To view daily notes:

  1. Select an assignmentConnection between a resource and a project..
  2. The edit assignments panel lists the daily notes for the selected assignment.

    Image: Daily Notes

To add daily notes:

  1. Follow the previous steps to view daily notes.
  2. Click Image: Add Daily Note + icon to add a daily note on the selected assignment.
  3. A new note is created, either for today or the next day with hours entered against it.
  4. Write your note.
  5. Optionally, select a different date for the daily note.
  6. Optionally, hide the edit assignments panel.
  7. Click Save to create the Assignment Daily Note in your organizationA deployment of the Salesforce/FinancialForce applications with a defined set of licensed users. Your organization includes all of your data and applications, and is separate from all other organizations..

To remove daily notes:

  1. Follow the previous steps to view daily notes.
  2. Select a daily note and click Image: Remove Daily Note - Icon to remove it from the list.
  3. Click Save to delete the Assignment Daily Note from your organization.
    Warning: Warning
    Be careful—you can't recover the deleted note or undo this action.

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