Search Resources Settings

Note: Note
PSA Version 16.6 SP2 introduces the Search Resources Global and Search Resources Local custom settings, which replace the settings defined in the New Staffing UI Global and New Staffing UI Personal custom settings, in PSA Summer '13.

You can control the behavior of the Search Resources page using the Search Resources Global and Search Resources Personal custom settings.

Search Resources Global

Key: O = Obsolete.

Field Key Description


Allow Special Characters In Address   When locating resources, determines a set of comma separated characters to allow in the address field. +, #, &, °, ÷
Contact Field 1   API name of a field in the contact object to be displayed in the Search Resources page. This option is ignored when Display Resource Description is true. Null
Contact Field 2   API name of a field in the contact object to be displayed in the Search Resources page. This option is ignored when Display Resource Description is true. Null
Contact Field 3   API name of a field in the contact object to be displayed in the Search Resources extension. This option is ignored when Display Resource Description is true. Null
Display Resource Description   Indicates whether the resource description is shown. When true, only the resource's description is shown. When false, Contact Fields 1 to 3 are shown if they contain a valid API name of a field in the contact object. False
Geolocation Service URL O This is the URL of the mapping service used by PSA when obtaining the latitude and longitude using an address.
To use Search Resources, edit the default URL as follows:{mapquestKey}&outFormat=json&maxResults=1, where customer_key is an app key generated using MapQuest.
Visit to create an account and generate the key. The key is limited to 5000 calls per day.
Also, ensure that has been registered on the Remote Site Settings page.
Invalid Longitude and Latitude   Determines that Longitude and Latitude are not updated when the address is invalid. Longitude and Latitude fields remain blank and default values are not used. The supported format is as follows: longitude,latitude;longitude,latitude. -100.44588200,39.78373000

Search Resources Personal

Field Description


Default Search Logic Additional Fields The default search logic that is selected when searching for resources using the Additional Fields section of the Search Resources page. You can enter one of the following:
  • AND
  • OR
Default Search Logic For Certification The default search logic that is selected when searching for resources using the Certifications section of the Search Resources page. You can enter one of the following:
  • AND
  • OR
Default Search Logic For Skill The default search logic that is selected when searching for resources using the Skills section of the Search Resources page. You can enter one of the following:
  • AND
  • OR
Distance Unit The distance unit to be displayed. Enter km if you want kilometers to be displayed. Enter mile if you want miles to be displayed. km
Fields to List in Map Push Pin Comma separated list of fields to display on each push pin of the map that appears when you click Show Results on Map. Null
Max Columns Allowed in Result Section Maximum number of fields from the Search Resources Result Fields field set to be displayed in a single row within a search result on the Search Resources page. The default value of 6 is used if the value is null or zero. (See description)
Maximum Resources Maximum number of resources to be displayed. Set the value no higher than 500. Null
Number of Allowed Pushpins on Map Maximum number of resource details to be displayed when you click Show Results on Map. Multiple push pins in the map results that share the same or a very similar location are combined. All details then display in a single push pin. 5
Page Size Defines the maximum number of records to display per page when viewing search results from the Search Resources page. 5
Show Latitude Longitude Fields Indicates whether latitude and longitude fields are to be displayed. When true, latitude and longitude fields are shown when the Search Resources page is launched from the Search Resources link on the sidebar or all tabs. False

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