Risk Fields

Here is a description of the standard fields that make up a risk record.

Key: * – Mandatory field.

Field   Description
Account   Lookup to the account relating to the risk.
Closed   Indicates when the risk shows as closed based on the Status value. Defaults to true when the Status is Completed or Closed - No action. Set to false for all other Status values.
Closed Date   The date that the risk was closed.
Comments   Additional comments about the risk.
Contingency   A description for the plan of contingency to take place against the risk.
Date Raised   The date that the risk was raised.
ID   A unique reference for the risk.
Impact   The impact of the risk. Values are 1 to 5, where 1 is the lowest impact and 5 is the highest.
Issue   Lookup to the issue associated with the risk. See Issue and Risk Lookups.
Likelihood   Likelihood of the risk occurring. Values are 1 to 5, where 1 is the lowest impact and 5 is the highest.
Milestone   Lookup to the milestone relating to the risk.
Mitigation Plan   A description for the plan of mitigation to take place against the risk.
Opportunity   Lookup to the opportunity relating to the risk.
Project   Lookup to the project relating to the risk.
Project Task   Lookup to the project task relating to the risk.
Risk Description   A description of the risk.
Risk Name * The name of the risk.
Risk Owner   Lookup to the resource assigned as the risk owner.
Severity   Formula field that calculates the severity of the risk. Calculated by multiplying the Impact value by the Likelihood value.
Status   The status of the risk. Values are Open and Closed.

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