Setting up HCM to PSA Integration

To set up integration between HCM and PSA:

  1. Ensure that yourself and other users of Foundations, HCM, and PSA have been assigned appropriate permissions in your Salesforce org.
    Note: Note Notepad
    You must be assigned appropriate permissions for the apps, objects and fields included in publications and subscriptions. If you do not have permissions for an app, you cannot create or edit publications or subscriptions for that application.
  2. Register HCM and PSA for Foundations publications and subscriptions. See Registering HCM and PSA for Foundations Publications and Subscriptions.
  3. Set up integration between HCM Worker records and PSA Resources. See Setting up Integration Between HCM Worker and PSA Resource Records.
  4. Set up integration between HCM Absence Requests and PSA Assignments and Timecards. See Setting up HCM Absence Request to PSA Assignment and Timecard Records.
  5. Create the data transformation tables that you require. See Data Transformation Tables.