Estimates Versus Actuals

FinancialForce PSA uses Estimates Versus Actuals records (EVAs) to compare estimated scheduled hours against actual hours entered on timecards.


You can automatically generate EVAs for all existing held resource requests that have a schedule and a linked resource. For more information, see Generate Estimates Versus Actuals For Held Resource Requests.

Estimates versus actuals comparison records are automatically generated, replaced, or updated as shown.

Event More Information
A held resource request is converted into an assignment. The schedule and EVA are deleted for the held resource request and are recreated against the assignment. Assignments and Schedules
A new Estimates Versus Actuals comparison is created for a resource. Creating an Estimates versus Actuals Comparison
A resource requests is set to the status of held. Holding Resources
A schedule exception is created or updated. Schedule Exceptions Overview
A time periodClosedA period of time with a start date and an end date to which forecasts, actuals calculations, billing event batches, utilization calculations and region plans belong. record including weeks, months, quarters, and custom time periods, is spanned by an assignment schedule.
A timecard is updated with Admin Global Edit selected and the changes impact actuals records. Each assignment's estimates versus actuals record is updated. Admin Global Edit
An assignmentClosedConnection between a resource and a project. and a schedule are created or updated. Assignments and Schedules
An assignment is created when a resource is assigned from a held resource request. The existing EVA record is deleted and a new one is created. The corresponding values are calculated and populated in the following fields:
The corresponding values are removed from the following fields and replaced with "0" where applicable:
Assigning Resources
The requested or suggested bill rate is changed on a held resource request detail record.
Timecards are entered against an assignment. Entering Time Against Projects and Assignments
Timecards are specified by status for inclusion in Estimates Vs. Actuals calculations. For example, saved, submitted, and approved timecards. Timecard Statuses

You can view Estimates versus Actuals comparison records on the Est vs Actuals related list as follows:


EVAs are deleted when: