Printing Gantt Charts

We recommend that you:

To print your project plan in Gantt:

  1. Click . The Print Setup page opens.
  2. Either:
  3. Update your printer settings to match these settings before printing.

Printing Detailed or Large Project Plans

To print your project plan for a more detailed zoom level, you should use:

For larger projects, you could also select a larger paper size combined with these options.

Printing to PDF

To fit more information on a page when printing to PDF, we recommend that you select a larger paper size.


Question Answer
What is the best browser to use? We recommend Google Chrome for printing to paper and PDF.
Why am I seeing a blank page? Printing at a high level of detail can impact how the data is rendered occasionally resulting in a blank page being inserted. The default Control Pagination setting of Single Page prevents this. However, if you want to use one of the multipage settings, adjust the scale within your browser print settings. You can do this by opening up the advanced print settings and adjust the scale to 40%.
Why do I have so many pages? If you have your project printed across multiple pages, and you want to reduce this number, you can either adjust the level at which you are viewing the Gantt Chart by using the Gantt Buttons, Controls and Fields. Alternatively, you can use the default setting of Single Page, and use a larger page size.

Browser Issues

Browser Issue


Microsoft Edge Browser printing doesn't work. Open Internet Explorer 11 from Microsoft Edge.
Internet Explorer 11 If you don't enable background colors, Gantt Chart bars will not be colored. Enable background colors.
Mozilla Firefox Scale option doesn’t work. Use a different browser, ideally Google Chrome.